Ch 3: The QUEEN Reunites w/ Prince (Special) (prt 1) (👑💜💛)

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A/N: GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH~! DIS CHAPTER PART GAVE ME GUSHY FEELS BETWEEN THESE 2s ROYAL PAST RELATIONSHIP/FRIENDSHIP IN DIS UNIVERSE WHILE WRITING THIS~! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH~!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 p.s. sorry-not-sorry again if these updates were on hold I was working y'all! But tysm for being patient with me my loves! 😘😘💜❤✨



Date: June 16, 2021
Location: at home of the Nelson-Jackson family household
Time: late afternoon, 2:35 PM


It was two in a half weeks after the celebration of his 64th birthday. And it's officially been two months since him and his husband Michael had rewedded. Prince is finally, back home again in his comfy outside office up on the back patio on one of the mansion's balconies with his white hammock. There was a large patio table in the middle, some pot plants of flowers and only one palm tree.

Prince layed spread in his white knit hammock. His own dark silver, Apple laptop in his lap. Finalising half of the paperwork to have his and his husband Michael's Neverland Amusement Park to be reopened for this year's summer. Every kid and teenager and their parent's had heard of their home's Parks reopening this season is boasted with full excitement ever since Disneyland had reopened after a dreadful, year long, virus lockdown.

Adults who had grew up going to Neverland throughout the 80s and 90s were blessed more than these kids today. Neverland to Prince and his husband's superfans, is like Disneyland's twin brother and their other comfort getaway home to them. Michael really thought that his idea of his Neverland wanted to be for children and preteens. But, surprisingly it attracted young and old adults too. So, why not have Michael's (and Prince) beloved Neverland Amusement Park to be for everyone?

The two thought of the last idea from both of them had been made happily and proudly.
So, Prince got started working on the confirming paper work for them to have new, trained staff members that they can be able to trust, and for them to be able to reopen the Park with new Amusement Park rules as well.

As Prince, gently, and slowly, swings himself with his right bare foot on a wall of the house, he types away at a pace. This patio balcony room is the closest to Wynter's room because it's a private entry way at the back of Prince and Michael's bedroom for a beautiful view of the Nelson-Jackson family home Ranch field, at the far back behind the mountain ranches was the beach, and under the balcony, was the swimming pool. It's an easy short cut to get to Wynter's nursery room if he starts whining or crying. Right now, the child is peacefully asleep, taking his nap.

Prince had also set Wynter's baby monitor on the glass patio table that's in front of the hammock too, just in case. Prince's cream white telephone, painted with his large purple Prince symbol over on the body of it, that's still operational with his old phone number for any close celebrity to him, that still uses to call through that phone also sits on the table too whenever it rings. Prince had the telephone's chip fixed and replaced since it's old 80s tech from a tech shop professional last year to have its plain, annoying, rapid ringing to be replaced by his When Doves Cry background music as the telephone's ring tone. Prince thought he was a genius for doing that for his special treasured, old telephone and immediately loved his phone's new ring tone when someone would call it. The things that Prince needs is all on that one patio balcony table.

As he works and chills peacefully, the calm, not too cold, breeze of the slightly cloudy sunny day in Santa Barbara, California felt welcoming to the married man. Prince feels relaxed to be back at his family home. Until, he started hearing the echoing blast of crazy, new pop music down from under the patio balcony that leads to the back patio to the swimming pool. Prince lifted his head up slowly from the screen of his laptop, his eyes looking around all confused as to where that noise could be from one of his oldest children. The music had quickly stopped playing and an apologetic, loud, deep male voice was heard down under the balcony.

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