Intermission Ending [FINALE] { vol 1 3K reads surprise (prt 1)🎉}

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A/N: ayyyyo! I decided to update the closing chapters of a bittersweet eventual happy ending to this lovely Prichael comeback and this LAST LAST UPDATE early too before I leave to get my 2nd vaccine shot taken for y'all! 🤗😘💕 YES, I SAID THE LAST LAST FINAL UPDATE GUYS!😔😔🤧🤧☝️ I just couldn't keep this 1 on hold until tomorrow cuz Daylight Savings just came here in California SO! chapter Summary: This is a follow up from the last prologue story-part where Prince and Michael and the kids leave the new Johnson-Cena family in good hands at the hospital and a "surprise relief" phone call from the Los Angeles police state county phone call with its sheriff to Michael~ this THE LAST LAST FINAL ENDING of this chapter shall tell y'all the rest! It miiight be short so! 🙂❤



Date: same date from previous epilogue
Location: same location from previous epilogue
Time: mid morning, 10 AM


It was just after having the honor of holding the newest member to the Johnson-Cena family from Dwayne's after birth, Michael had to step out as his phone began to ring between happy chatter of both WWE superstar families in another room in the hospital. As he had to pause his conversations with one of John's half older sister's with his husband at his right side as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, Michael had slipped his right hand into his dress pants pocket and pulls out the device. Michael looks at the front screen of his phone as it shows a female name from his lawyer that the older man recognized and became silently expected as he and his husband too had been waiting on a phone call back from the California State police department of their search of any more evidence of their late son's murder from last year.

Michael then switched to relief of happiness as he leaned over to Prince's right side to tell him that he needed to answer his phone call outside. Prince had nodded, a little bit curious as he then had stepped over to the far left of the room where Janet and their daughter was with Wynter and Dwayne's ex wife, the four happily greeting each other their own celebrations and chatted for a while.

As the choreography dancer walks out the room with the door closed behind him, Michael walks to a quiet corner hallway of an empty check in/out appointment desk that's closer to the room with the mini party is held. He finds a waiting recliner chair next to a large square window with a beautiful morning view of the outside hospital parking slots and sits down it. He then presses the green accept call button and lifts up the phone to his right ear, fluffing out his loose jet black hair out of his ears way, answering a questionable "Hello?" to the other line.

"Hi Mr. Jackson! This is you're defense attorney Ama Dwimoh speaking and calling to you." Was a professional black older female voice that spoke through to Michael over the phone speaker.

"Hi Ms. Dwimoh! Long time no heard! Is this about my uhm... My son's case by any chance if anything new has happened?" Michael asked, carefully at mentioning his late son to the woman as he began fiddling with his wedding ring. The married man sitting there in the waiting chair leaning out and not leaning against his seat, already knowing the obvious reason as to why his and his husband's D.A. (Defense Attorney) had made a phone call to be able to speak through him.

"Yes sir! I have came in to call you to let you know that we've found the suspect and he's in custody right now." The woman announced as Michael paused for a moment, his eyebrows lifting up with more alertness and knowing surprise of hearing such news at a time like this on a good day.

His face expression shows that this was also good news to hear too as the married legend takes in the moment of keeping himself calm. Michael finally, stands up swiftly in his waiting seat that he sat in and gives his mouth a quick rub from his left hand as he became more surprised. His heart pounding slightly fast as he knew that this kind of news had been waiting to hear ever since he and his husband Prince had lost Evelyn. Michael stands over by one of the waiting room half blind closed windows. His left hand holding over his left side of his neck before Michael could speak again.

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