💜❤NOTTA CHAPPIE SWWY!: Halllp...!😣 jk...!😅 (but no, seriously...😳)❤💜

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A/N: sorry if y'all expected an update this weekend but like i said last weekend ago, i am STILL STUCK on writing that 2nd part of Prince/Freddie Mercury's reunion story... :/ 😓😅

And when i mean by that I'm still stuck on writing in the middle of it, this is what i mean...!😶:


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I've covered up these draft titles cuz they're my future chappies to add in with this 2nd lovely Prichael comeback cuz I HATE SPOILERS! I don wanna SPOIL ANYBODY cuz obviously there's some more GOOD shiit in the FINALLY! Plot of this comeback stor...

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I've covered up these draft titles cuz they're my future chappies to add in with this 2nd lovely Prichael comeback cuz I HATE SPOILERS! I don wanna SPOIL ANYBODY cuz obviously there's some more GOOD shiit in the FINALLY! Plot of this comeback story for y'all to read!

I have been workin on these 15 other drafts for the upcoming updates for this comeback since the end of August now and I couldn't stop writing these future updates cuz their plots REALLY, gotten SO goooood! And the ending will ALWAYS have an eventual happy ending I'll make sure of that!🤗

I've been also distracted ALOT lately on the media too just to get my mind off of my after migraine that I still have goin on that's kinda makin me feel a little bit sick...

Like i said from my last A/N that its gonna BE a WHILE for me to get a bit better to ACTUALLY publish an update... Migraines can take ALOT of your energy at a young adult age so I'm still gonna need a longer break to sleep it off with a couple more Advil to deal with...😧

Until then, this book will have to be put ON HOLD until I can get back into feeling my original writing schedule to y'all my loves! 🤗

But I'll see y'all soon when I can! Tysm again for y'alls patience with me!😘❤💜✨

With love,


(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prichael Vol. 2|Mature PrichaelWhere stories live. Discover now