Ch 1: We're Home (🌸) prt 1

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A/N: yesss! As you can see on this chapter title! This will be this 2nd book's 1st story-part set! 😃🎉🎉🤗 I'm hoping to ONLY aim for AT LEAST 1 or 2 short parts for chapters 1 + 2! For this 2nd story-part set Summary: part 1 will be this book's 1st timeskip into the month of March 2021. Prince finally settled down from his year tour with his and Michael's newest baby boy, showing off baby Wynter to his Princetafans LIVE on his Princetagram! & with a story title headline that had been recently released in this universe a week ago. And lastly, for part 2, will be another timeskip (sorry!) into the 2nd week of April 2021, Where Mature era Prichael gets remarried!🤗💜❤😘

So! Let's get this started shall we?



Date: March 5, 2021 (written on August 2, 2021)
Location: Back at home of the Nelson-Jackson family household, Santa Barbara, California
Time: early 6:30 AM in the morning


After leaving the house from taking care of putting his new baby son back to sleep, Michael felt his phone vibrate and heard it ding from another morning notification. He pulls out his phone from his pocket, taking out a new phone case from it too, clicking the phone case into the back of his phone and switched on the phone of his screen. A white section headline from a news website that displays on the lockscreen of Michael's phone is subscribed to reads in bold digital media text that his eyes skim through the title with a little grin on his lips.

THE-SUN MORNING NEWS: PRINCE & MICHAEL JACKSON ARE PARENTS AGAIN! Please welcome to the world, Our new 'American Prince'; Wynter Evelyn Prince Nelson-Jackson II!

That small grin plastered on his pale peach lips, now spread into a proud smile. Michael felt that today is going to be a good day.


Present time: 7:00 AM


Prince's phone alarm had blared it's Samsung galaxy alarm tune. Waking him up, Prince had blinked a few times to actually wake himself up back into the real world. Then, he heard a few baby's cries from the other side of his and his husband's bedroom. Prince's lips spread a little smile. That sound from a baby means that his son is awake too. Also meaning that he wants attention from his Papa. And maybe... breakfast and a diaper change.

It's only been two whole months since Prince had came back home from his world tour and two months since Michael had re-proposed him. And to add into those two months was, ever since his husband had surprised Prince that they were officially parents once again. Michael, Announcing to him and their other older kids, that they had a new baby brother, and the couple, a new son added to their little family. Prince cried happy tears and kissed all over Michael's face, his speechless way of saying thank you to his husband, making Michael giggle during his happiness.

So now, it was every early morning, filled with hope and love that Prince wants to wake up with happiness to the sounds of his new baby boy calling out to his new Papa. Wondering where his new Papa could be.

Prince gets up and slides out from under the large black bed comforter and the white cream silk bedsheets. He leans over the dresser and swipes at his phone screen to snooze his phone alarm. He sits up and walks over to the bedroom's dark burgandy recliner couch-chair, reaching at his dark, long, silk purple, Chinese style house robe and slips it on. Slowly, taking his time at his pace, slipping on his chocolate brown and gold stitching Gucci house slippers too. The old man opens the bedroom door swiftly with a soft sniff from a swipe at his nose. He walks out, turning to the far right of their bedroom hallway to make his way at Wynter's newly made nursery.

(DISCONTINUED)Future Us Prichael Vol. 2|Mature PrichaelWhere stories live. Discover now