❤💜Missing Scene (from Ch 11 of mature era Prichael Halloween~)💜❤

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A/N: Sooo.... this surprisingly short draft idea had came out of my head lastnight and I wanted to do a little "missing scene chapter" for this update as I am still wrkn on writing this story's actual plot right now~! This part is justa follow up from the beginning of the mature era Prichael LIVE on Jimmy Fallon that I had cut out cuz I wanted to get to this story's plot like I said! So, here is this part update my loves~! Hope y'all like playful and sexy~! mature era Prichael teasingly embarrassing Jimmy Fallon and making their superfans even more crazy on LIVE TV~!😏😏😘😘💕💜❤



Date: previous date from chapter 11
Location: same location from Ch 11
Time: late night time, 10:30 PM


*It has been only half an hour into this special interview show with the Nelson-Jackson couple. The whole auditorium began lowering down their wild cheers and playful catcalls to the men as both Prince and Michael felt settled in their seats on the blue recliner love couch.*

(*Both the couple's outfits are still the same described in Ch 11*)

*Questlove and his band, welcoming back the viewers of Fallon's talk show with one of their oldschool fanfare theme songs. The tv cam also showing Jimmy, the host of his show, settling down in his black desk chair after calming down with little laughs from previous jokes from Prince before commercial break.*

*The roaring audience went quiet of their loud laughs and applause as their talk host had looked back at the two old married legends.*

*They had just got done talking about Prince's future plans to go back on stage and make more music. Jimmy was also curious to talk about Prince's husband, Michael's goals to continue on being a father of their youngest son, Wynter and take a break from so many world wide visits and business trip tours with their oldest son Capprico.*

*Fallon was still curious and fanboying a little bit if Prince was going back on stage to perform new music soon. Jimmy added in a playful body compliment on Prince's body weight which he'd earned the old married guitarist joining in with him of his compliment joke and a lot of fangirls laughs and giggles.*

Fallon: *Jimmy turns to his left to Prince who sat closer to his desk side near a podcast microphone and layed his right hand on his right neck side before asking the married legend his question.* "So, just a uh... Alot of your guys fans are supercurious to ask you, Prince," *Prince and Michael also, turns his attention on Jimmy as he hummed a little acknowledgement of listening.*

Fallon: "Will you two ever go back on stage anytime soon~? Or, maybe will you, Prince? Do you think..?" *Jimmy asks carefully after moving his eyes at both Prince and Michael and back to Prince.*

*Prince, whom was sitting on the head of the couch cushion and still sat closer to his husband Michael with his legs crossed. Michael's right arm and hand, stretched and layed out behind Prince in a comfortable position of the couch as he looks at his husband who's answering.*

Prince: "Well, I gotta get back in shape, I have to loosen up those old joints to go back up on stage anytime soon, so.." *Prince answers Jimmy after a soft blow of a quiet sigh with his shoulders lowered down a little and a small nod of his head and the motion of his tilted fedora.*

Fallon: "Well, I think that you're in a better shape for an old man at your age, no offense Michael..! But, you're NOT old, you still look great~!" *Jimmy compliments playfully after taking his offense of trying not to call Michael Jackson's husband Prince, an 'old man' the mean way over at Michael as the superfans began agreeing loudly with teasing catcalls and cheers.*

*Then, this is where Jimmy's playful embarrassment begins on his show. The tv cam quickly showed Questlove, slightly inaudiblely giggling over his drum set and back to Jimmy and Prince, who Prince was nodding small quick nods with the motion of his fedora hat and his known playful teasing look towards Jimmy.*

*Prince wasn't disagreeing Jimmy at all, he was teasingly agreeing with him with that famous side-eyed-hums. Michael was just in the right side, just watching the other two men playfully complimenting on his husband's body shape and health while the audience and the superfans laugh at the scene.*

Prince: "You think I'm still at a good shape to be back up on stage, Jimmy~?" *Prince teases his host with his small smirk on the right side of his glossy lips as his pupils of his eyes are on the right, looking at Jimmy.*

Fallon: "Well..! You can do anything cuz I mean..! You're Prince~!" *Fallon continued to jokingly compliment with a tiny hint of hesitant on his wide smile as he tries not to laugh and look at his audience who were agreeing with them and back at Prince.*

Fallon: "You still got two.. good legs and- and, yeah..!" *And that's when Jimmy had regretted to even try hitting on and replace it with a compliment joke on the King of Pop's husband about Prince's legs, was a mistake on his own talk show~.*

*Once, both Prince and Michael, taking on that hint of the other man's horrible compliment of hitting on him, Prince made a teasing hum and a quick, "Ooh~! Okay..!" with a couple tiny nods and a playful side eye at Jimmy after hearing a 'sexual compliment' about his legs.*

*Prince had quickly cut Jimmy off as Jimmy had a feeling with his wide, hint of nervous on his small smile as he holds onto his right neck side when watching the old married guitarist swiftly turn to his left side of where Michael still was sitting and Michael had brought back his right arm to him to let his husband turn to face him.*

*It was an unexpected action, that got the whole talk show auditorium roar with excitement and laughs. It shows Prince, actually lifting up his left leg, and lay it on top of his husband Michael's lap. The under muscle of Prince's leg near Michael's groin.*

*Prince's action and quick touch on his husband Michael in the scene was so playfully sexy~, that Questlove even gave a signal for the saxophone player to make a short sexy music tune to lift up their host's 'body shape compliment'. Earning even more exciting laughs, even from Quest and his band.*

*Loud fangirls shouting over the audience's roaring laughs had got Jimmy quickly covering his tad pink blushing face with his hands as he pushes back over the unexcpectingly action from the old married guitarist that continued showing off his dark blue, silk clothed, gold based stiletto heel and 'sexy leg' on his husband's lap~."

*Michael was joining in on the joke too as he gives his eyebrows quick raised up over his sunglasses at the audience and gave his husband Prince's leg knee that layed on his lap, a couple of tight squeezes and quick rubs from his left hand. That also had earned a few more crazy and loud catcall screams from the superfans in the group of girls and young women and guys out there too~.*

*As everyone began to settle back down again, Jimmy ducks his head a little bit to wipe away little tears from his eyes from laughing so hard while covering his face with his hands. As Jimmy sits back down and Quest and his band calms down their music and respective applause from the joke earlier, Prince had finally departed his leg from his husband's lap and settled back in his position of his seat.*

*Wide, small, toothy smiles were shown after calming down their hysterical laughing and joke claiming as Jimmy then makes a satisfied, low groan to close down his giggles and says over his mic, "Ooh...~! That was good~! That was good, Prince...~!"*

*The show finally, ended there with happy and fun laughs from just silliness in their time~.*


A/N: Hope y'all liked this update that was justa fun and lemony idea from the bottom of my head~!😏 next updates will be here on this story soon, my loves~! Stay tuned in guys~! Pls keep voting and commenting and following for more like this~!😘🤗💜❤✨

With love,


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