Ch 9: A King ALWAYS Bows Down to His Queen prt 1 (🌸)

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A/N: sssssooooo.... i decided to update this pretty decently early w/ a lil surprise at the end b4 i start the ACTUAL calm before the storms! The clouds are here but the storm hasn't arrived just yet...!🙂💀

Enjoy... pls~?


Date: September 1, 2021
Location: at the official James-Jordan mansion household
Time: mid evening


It was right after their beautiful late night dinner date in Malibu at a private outdoor beach restaurant. The proposal plan was absolutely perfect as Mike was the one who'd put it together secretly himself along with Yvette and LeBron's parents help. Mike had wanted to know what were his love's favorite things before planning a future wedding together. It was what Mike wanted to distract himself with his bad coughing that he had to go through in between hours all day. He was so embarrassed by worrying his soon-to-be parents-in-laws about how half caught up his coughing sounded during his lunch date with them a week ago.

But that wasn't the point of his last story. Today, he had finally asked LeBron to marry him at their favorite restaurant they'd went to. And let him tell you, that his proposal plan was no other than proposing to Yvette.


Date: Second to last week of August
Location: Malibu, California, L.A.
Time: late evening, night time


It was an hour ago when both LeBron and Mike had dropped off LeBron's two boys from their basketball game to their home. Before they headed over in Malibu, Mike wanted to pick up Yvette to join in on the two basketball couples trio dinner. But, Mike had gotten a text ten minutes ago from her that she was already down to the beach restaurant herself. As he is now back on a highway road, Mike then hands over his phone to his boyfriend on his right after reading his ex wife's message. LeBron puts down his phone and takes the older man's phone and began reading the woman's text before typing back of what Mike wanted to tell her as his eyes were on the road.

While texting and the other driving, Mike then switches his left hand hold the driving wheel to lay his right hand on top of his boyfriend's near lap. Giving LeBron's right lap muscle a gentle squeeze, LeBron feels more comfortable in his car seat as he finishes sending Yvette a response from Mike's phone and putting it down in one of the cup holders. LeBron then lays his left hand on top of his older boyfriend's hand that layed on top of his lap.

As the scenery of the drive to the beach city, Mike was finally off the highway exit and drove onto where he knows the beach restaurant is located. The two now hungry and ready to remeet Yvette again.


Hours passed by with a satisfied dinner of steak meals for the three. The three stayed up top of the beach house that had an outside diner view. The patio only reserved for those three with swimming pool recliner couches and chairs and table umbrellas that's decorated with firefly lights as the sun is now an indigo blue. Now, it was just the two, LeBron and Mike, who wanted to sit close infront of the sunset view and have a sweet moment together in one loveseat sofa.

Yvette, too busy texting back her brother and LeBron's oldest kids when Mike had ever popped the question yet. She was silently in another opened table a few feet away from a sight of her ex husband and the younger basketball star, seeking in gushing glances of the two cuddling and sharing sweet kisses as fireworks began to pop in the darkening blue sky as Labor Day Weekend rolls in.

Once Yvette had looked up from her phone again with a smile, she then saw Mike give her his silent signal to start recording them as Mike was then ready to make his proposal. As she saw the man gesture up his index finger over behind LeBron who was too payed attention at the fireworks and cuddling into the older man's warm chest in the couch. His right hand looking at a couple of posts on Instagram on the screen of his phone.

Yvette then switched spots to sit at the front chair of the table she's sitting in and pulled up her camera app on her phone to start recording.

Mike then faces back forward in his seat as he suggested LeBron and him to stand up over at the balcony of the patio restaurant. Mike grabs his boyfriend's right hand in his as pulls them over to the glass balcony edge. Tikis were automatically lit as they make a soft neon green fire on each of them.

As the two tall men leaned into the balcony railing, Mike facing LeBron as he then grabs his boyfriend's phone to put it down. He wants his love's full attention as fireworks paused their beautiful explosions. "Baby~. I'm over here." Mike said as he finally got the younger basketball star's dark brown eyes up on his.

"What's up Babe? What's got you so lovey with me today~?" LeBron teased his older boyfriend as Mike then pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms and hands around the lower waist of LeBron's strong waist.

"There's something special that I've been meaning to ask of you, Baby~." Mike started as he was waiting for the lucky number eighth firework to sound over their heads. Mike began pulling out the small velvet box from his kakki cream colored tuxedo suit dress pants pocket.

LeBron just stands there as he loosens his arms of his hold around his older boyfriend and looks absolutely clueless on why he's watching Mike pull out a small red box.

Then, he'd just realised as that tenth firework had popped and the young man's eyebrows and eyes widen in such surprise.

"Baby, you did NOT~!" LeBron gasped as Mike chuckles at him once he opens up the red velvet box, revealing that new beautiful rose-gold engagement band and it's brown chocolate diamond inside.

"You did NOT get me a ring for this~!" LeBron exclaimed in his surprised voice as he then covers his smiling mouth with his right hand. "Hell I did, Baby~!" Mike playfully laughed as he was now on one knee infront of him and Yvette, giggling quietly from behind with her phone camera still recording this moment.

As he finishes his closed proposal speech with LeBron still covering his mouth in moving emotions from his boyfriend's speech, Mike finally pops the question to marry him. LeBron takes his time as he looks away from slight playful embarrassment as he feels heat rise from his cheeks. "C'mon baby~!" Was what got LeBron to get out of his hestitant embarrassment after a couple of squeezes of his right hand and Yvette to giggle as she wanted to hear the young man's answer too, ready to step out of the shadows and give both her big boys happy big hugs.

LeBron faced back down at Mike and his smile widened, finally giggling out a "Yes~!" as his answer. "That's what I wanted to hear, Honey~! Let's go~!" Mike playfully cheered aloud as a dozen of colorful fireworks finally explodes rapidly as Mike then stands back up to pull each other into a big kiss. Letting the fireworks do their job as Mike finally captures his now fiance's lips into his. Slipping on LeBron's new ring onto that finger that he now gets to call him his.

Yvette then stands up from her spot and gives her best cheers and excited applause to the two men as she pauses the recording from the moment on her phone screen.

After spending a few minutes of celebrating Mike's proposal downstairs with the restaurant staff, both newly, secret engaged couples were now famished and ready to go home with an intimate, exciting night to spend together.


A/N: only 1.3k words written for this proposal...! I honestly.. didn't expect to write this so early, I guess it was time to...? Idk!😜 the smut is on its way y'all! Stay tuned in for more cuz after the smut, the storms will be there...!🤧 I'm NOT READY...!😥😭 pls be prepared for the next updates guys! And also... ive been in a very ✨smutty mood✨ for this weekend updates! Idk why I guess I just miss writing Prichael smutty times i guess...😔 but anyways!🤗 See y'all soon!😘💕🤗❤💜✨ p.s. the next story-part set (and a few more other chappies) may end in angst smut so be ready y'all...!😶

With love,


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