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Inspired by TikTok

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Inspired by TikTok .
Hope y'all enjoy cause I'm not that confident about it.🖤
"You're mine and we belong together ".

Y/n softly sung in the mirror , ogling at the many pictures of her crush covering her bedroom walls . Tonight was prom & she wanted to make sure she made an entrance.

Her phone laid broken on the floor .
She threw it at her wall after seeing on Instagram that Hyunjin had a date for tonight .

Y/n twirled around , dancing to the music playing in her room . The music wasn't just any type of music , but the sound of her parents whimpers , whines , & pleads to let them free from the tight ropes keeping them constricted .

She grabbed her lucky lock of Hyunjin's hair (that she cut while he was sleep) , blew her parents a kiss , & skipped out of the beautiful house to her father's car .

" My baby is waiting on me , Olivia .
I have to hurry ".
Y/n spoke to her imaginary friend .

She turned quickly into the school parking lot , watching Hyunjin & his friends get out of their cars .

Y/n jumped from the car & ran towards the group.

"Hi Hyunjin ".
Y/n excitedly waved with a huge smile on her face ; ignoring everyone else standing there .

" Move psycho .
You always have to ruin things , don't you ?
Why did you come over here anyway ? "
Hyunjin's girlfriend said , pushing y/n out of the way .

Y/n remained quiet as the group walked away & into the swarms of people dancing inside .

Hyunjin looked back & slightly smiled at Y/n , hoping that she was okay .

Y/n sat in the dark corner of the huge gymnasium , watching everyone dance & smile at each other .

Only one thing was wrong ,
Y/n wasn't smiling .


The hallways of the once lively high-school was now covered in the blood of the students & teachers .

Y/n's once white dress was now a beautiful bright red .

Coincidentally, Hyunjin was wearing a matching white suit that had now turned the same bloody bright red.

The school was eerily quiet & the only sound filling the hallways was Y/n's soft singing as she dragged Hyunjin's body throughout the halls by his wrist .

" you're mine and we belong together ".

This is where I got my inspiration from🙂In the story , he's still alive don't worry

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This is where I got my inspiration from🙂In the story , he's still alive don't worry .

This is where I got my inspiration from🙂In the story , he's still alive don't worry

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