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Sad , but also really sweet
I feel like the lyrics in this song describe Jungkook🥺
I changed some of the lyrics so they could make sense .🥰


Jungkook stood next to you on the balcony . He had just got back from BTS's world tour .

None of their fans knew about you . Only the company and his members .

Y'all had been together for 2 years and you barely even knew him on a conversational level.

It's not like he didn't trust you , it's just he wasn't an open book with anyone . Not even his members .

The moon big and bright , making his face look even more beautiful. His eyes dull , not bright like when you two first met . His eyes were once full of life.

You heard a sniffle next to you and seen Jungkook wiping his tears . You turned towards him and rushed to hug him. He had never cried in-front of you.

" I'm sorry I've just been thinking about the band a lot . I want to quit". He cried into your shoulder .

You looked up at him shocked .

I mean you were 5'2 while he was 5'10.

But anyways , Never had he told you about wanting to quit BTS.

""Why baby"? You asked holding his chin up so he could look you in the eyes .

Even though Jungkook was the most dominant person you knew , he needed his cuddles sometimes .

"You know I was 15 when I was put on a pedestal. 

I had to achieve things that no other teenager had to do .

I had big dreams , but I had to stop those for people who weren't you. "

He whispered as if other people were listening .

It almost sounded like song lyrics .

His tears had dried and his eyes puffy .

His hands holding onto the balcony rail , him looking out into the night sky .

He sadly smiled at you when he noticed you were staring .

"I'm sorry . I've never told anyone how I have been feeling for these past few months . I can't help , but to think sometimes that BTS would be better without me ".

Tears welled in his eyes again. You rubbed his ear continuously , knowing the action calmed him down .

" Army loves you Kookie . They love you with BTS and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you took a hiatus , but quitting isn't like you.

My Jungkook doesn't quit . Their Jungkook doesn't quit."

I smiled at him as tears now rolled down my face .

He nodded his head , turning towards you , and kissing your forehead . His arms wrapped around your waist in a protective manner .

"I think you might just be right Mrs. Jeon ". He laughed as you hit his chest , blushing .

He always changed your last name to his . He used the excuse that it sounded way better .

His previous thoughts a distant memory , you hoped as he laughed with you on the balcony for a few more hours .

When it started to get chilly , you two went inside and cuddled up inside the king sized bed .

He chuckled as you reached for his phone , turning off his annoying ass alarm clock .

You asked him a long time ago why he wants to hear babies crying in the morning . He responded that it was just to prepare for the future .

You remember yourself blushing really hard , not expecting him to say something like that . I mean y'all had only been dating for six months .

Since it was only 8 o 'clock Jungkook responded to the members missed calls and messages before going to sleep.

His smile remained on his face , knowing he had you by his side .

How did y'all like it ?🥰

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