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Narrator P.O.V

" Auntie , who's the woman in the window ?
People are always talking about her in school . "
The boy said quietly .

" Well Tyler .... I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you about the woman in the window ".


Her name is y/n .

She worked at the hottest strip club in town .
She brought in customers from all over the state . Nobody ever expected her to leave the business until  one day a very handsome man walked in .

He owned a few companies & had money out the ass . He came into the club with two bodyguards & a briefcase . He went into a private room to make a private transaction & ordered a stripper to come along with him .

The stripper being y/n.

She sat on his lap while he made the money - drug transaction with a big burly man . His bodyguards watched carefully with their hands on the guns in their waistbands .

The man tried to hand Jimin fake money & he wasn't going . Y/n couldn't even blink before the man's brains & blood were splattered all over her face .

Jimin comforted her & eventually after a few more visits ; decided to take her home with him.

She became the best thing he's ever had or so she thought .

He molded her into the girl version of him .

She was ruthless .

Killing people with no emotion , seducing drug dealers , & even robbing banks .

Then , she became pregnant .....

" What happened after that " ?

" He left ".

He packed up all his bags & said that he couldn't handle raising a baby while being in the business. He left her the huge house in America & moved back home .

Y/n couldn't take it & stressed herself out .
The only person she trusted was gone & now she was the one thing that she never wanted to be again .......
alone .

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl .
Her whole world lit up when her daughter was born & Y/n finally turned back into her normal self .
The joyful , lively , & loving y/n .

She still had a past though .

A past that would catch up with her one day .

Some goons came to her house looking for Jimin .
Her house was robbed & her baby girl was sadly killed .

She was so used to death that she didn't even look upset , but everyone knew deep down inside that she was dying too .

After that day , she sat in her window for hours  & wouldn't talk to anyone .

She blames Jimin & will continue to blame him for her baby girl's death .

She moved out of town a few years ago & only visits on occasions to see her friends / family now .

Did she try to have another baby " ?

" She was scared .
She didn't want the same thing to happen again . "

" How do you know all this , auntie " ?

" Because I'm the woman in the window ".....

" Because I'm the woman in the window "

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