Gong Yoo

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Do y'all want me to make an 18+ story about him ? He gives me daddy vibes

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Do y'all want me to make an 18+ story about him ?
He gives me daddy vibes....both ways.

I've known this man for so long due to different dramas .

I might as well meet him in person atp 😂

" You've become such an alcoholic .
She just passed two months ago.
You need to stop this , Y/n ".
Gong Yoo said cleaning up the mess of beer bottles lying on the floor next to me.

" Why are you so worried for ?
I can handle myself ".

He glared at me before snatching a garbage bag from the kitchen drawer.

" if you could handle yourself then you would've got therapy to cope with your mom dying instead of drinking your own life away ".

Tears welled in my eyes because I knew that he was speaking the truth or what he believed was the truth.

" I know I'm just your stepfather & I'm sorry that you have to stay with me until your 18 .
I just don't want you to leave me too ." His voice cracked as looked up at me sitting on the wide couch .

" I know you are just trying to help .
I shouldn't have been so snarky".
He helped me up from where I was sitting & guided me to my room . He tucked me into bed just like my mother would & gently kissed me on my forehead .

" I'll bring you some ibuprofen & water to have when you wake up . Get some rest , y/n ". He softly smiled at me before leaving the room .

My mother's death affected us both greatly . I was so consumed with sadness that I had forgot he was also grieving. He promised my mother in her hospital bed that he would never move on even though she begged him too .

He also promised to never leave me behind because he thought of me as his only child . My biological father left us when I was 4 . He had started a new family abroad & decided that's where he wanted to stay .

For years, I couldn't except the fact that my father left . I put all the blame on my mother & was angry that she couldn't try & stop him.

Finally, when Gong Yoo came into our lives....it felt as if my family was complete again before it was then taken away from me 3 years later when my mom was diagnosed with cancer .

We buried my mom & Gong Yoo kept his promise ....

" Y/n ! Wake up .
We are going to your first therapy session ".
I groaned due to my hangover & quickly took the medicine next to me .

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