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XXIII. "Lies & Deceit"
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I groan as the sun peers through my curtains causing me to stir awake. I roll over, pulling my sheets up to my chin praying I'll fall back asleep.

I wake up again to the noise of feet pounding across the floors with giggles echoing off the walls. I let out a frustrated groan and cover my head with my pillow. I can't sleep, I barely slept last-night and I know it'll be like this for awhile until I stop beating around the bush.

Somehow I managed to get out of bed, strip down turn on the shower and take a piss. I finish my business, brush my teeth taking my hair down, I jump in the shower. Letting the hot water run down my body. The steam filling the glass doors, I soak in the warmth letting my mind drift away as if that'll make my problems disappear.

I don't know how long I was in the shower for but by the time I get out my phone is already ringing. Must be Ezekiel and Cris I thought. I wrap a towel around myself and run to catch my phone before the caller hangs up. I quickly throw myself across my bed getting my wet hair matted to my skin as I grab the phone.


"Hey love I'm about to leave for the airport, I overslept so I'll be there later okay?" Oh thank god I can have more time to talk through a plan with Amelia.

"Okay sounds great, call me when your flight lands love ya" I say before hanging up.

Sighing all the way to my closet I try to find something to wear. I find a pair of dark washed ripped jeans, a black lacy bralette under Ezekiel's blue and white stripped fitted dress shirt. I put on a few rings, slip on my black sandals- the ones with two thick straps on top. I do a medium smokey brown eyeliner look, a little blush on my nose some mascara then I brush through my tangles and throw my hair up in a messy bun leaving a few strands to fall down.

I button up the dress shirt in the middle allowing a little cleavage and a sliver of my lower stomach to show. I make my way to the body mirror and instantly fall in love, which if you hadn't noticed I don't really swoon over myself especially since I shy away from my body most of the time. But for some reason this outfit, my light dewy makeup look and my hair look amazing. Seeing as it's still early and my boys are probably still asleep I decided to take a picture of myself and send Ezekiel a good morning text for when they finally get up.

I shut my door, head downstairs to the kitchen and see not only Amelia cooking breakfast but Effie's helping out. Guilt and regret fills my heart as I see Effie's face twisted up wearing the same emotions from last-night.

"Hey Effie can you come here please" I ask breaking her concentration and humming some song I've never heard before. She looks at Amelia pleading with her to say no but Amelia knows as well as I do we need to have this conversation. Effie groans as she makes her way towards the dining room following me. I sit down where I was last-night and she sits where Julian sat, directly across from me.

"Effie I-"

"Please don't"

"I wasn't thinking properly last-night I should've thought how you'd feel when I shared news about Tempest but-"

"He called me last-night"

"He was the one who c-called you"

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