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I stand at the arch in my black suit awaiting my gorgeous bride. Murtagh pats me on my right shoulder, I guess he sensed my nervousness. I mean don't get me wrong I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Julia but the anticipation I feel right now is terrifying the fuck out of me.

Once I begin to calm down I find comfort in the fact that I asked Julian to be my best man and that he's standing to my left and slightly behind me along with my groomsman's, Alias, Tempest, Angus, and Rupert stand next to Julian in their black suits as well.

I look around to see the familiar faces of all our friends and families. My eyes scan the room as I see Noah and Kinsley with his son Nicolas, Rogue with Julianiya, Teagan and Cooper with Reagan and Roman. Aubrey and Arabelle are seated with Rogue, Aleck, Julianiya, Amara and Cristopher.

On the right side of the room I see Kendall sitting with Willie, Bailey and Ferguson with Teagan, Cooper, Reagan, and Roman. I notice Miles sneaking in with what looks like some hooker he picked up last-night, Jesus Effie wasn't joking when she said he took their break up kind of hard. I look across from me, at Julia's maid of honor and her bridesmaids. Julia asked Amelia to be her maid of honor- no surprise there, I swear those two will always be bonded to the hip. Effie, Sonia, Clementine, and Rebel stand slightly behind Amelia. Genesis would've been up here too except she's 8 months pregnant and ready to pop that little boy out at anytime.

My attention is brought to the long hall that Julia will walk down with Aleck when I hear soft music playing. I admittedly turn to face the double doors when I see Clarity open those same doors revealing my bride to be. Julia comes walking with her head tilted down with her emerald green veil. Her dress matches her veil, speaking of her dress it's got those thin straps with a low v split in the front leading down to her mid-waist. My mouth falls open as I notice her dress is that damn silky and shiny material that always molds to her every curve. Damnit Darlin' your killing me. Her hair is lightly curled and her makeup is soft with some kind of lip stick or gloss. As Julia nears me Aleck let's go of her forearm, giving her a small smile before walking to his seat with Rogue and Julianiya. She finally raises her head and when her eyes meet mine I feel my pants tightening some and I watch as a giggle leaves her lips.

With her head held high she walks to her spot right in front of me and when I say I have to pick my jaw up from the ground I mean it. Julia is so fucking beautiful I- I can't help but to admire her smile. Fuck when she smiles like that while looking at me like that I become weak at the knee's. Murtagh clears his throat and adjusts his stuffy collar and I have to bite my tongue to hold back the laughter that's rising in my own throat.

"Friends and Family we have gathered here today in honor of this holy matrimony, to share in the joy of this wedding. In bracing all the love and happiness we will see and hear is an expression of this wonderful couple's true love and devotion to one another in their hearts." When Murtagh finishes almost everyone including Julia is in tears. Murtagh you just had to be a poet today of all days. Jesus Christ we haven't even said our vows yet and everyone's on the verge of crying.

Oh shit here he goes again, "Ezekiel, will you take this woman to be your wife; to love her, comfort her, honor and cherish her, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to never forsake her and to never leave her side no matter the circumstances? If so, answer, '"I do.'"

"I do." I practically scream those words as fast as I could.

"Julia, will you take this man to be your husband; to love him, comfort him, honor and cherish him, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to never forsake him and to never leave his side no matter the circumstances? If so, answer, '"I do.'" Murtagh repeats the same speech to Julia, I stare intensely at my Darlin' as her eyes light up in that special way.

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