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XX. "Small Truths"
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*Late Wednesday*

We arrive at an abandoned house and I can feel my mother's eyes burning holes into me as her heart rate rises almost like she knows something. Normally I'd drill her with questions to figure out what she could possibly know but before I know it I'm turning off the ignition, opening my door, and making my way towards the house.

This abandoned house is like no other it's all run down, broken windows, a rope hanging from one ledge of the 2nd floor balcony, some boarded up windows, a couple of caution tape across the front door and dead trees that have turned black. There's a cloud of fog that's just formed around the shape of the lot and there's this eerie feeling that something dark dwells inside like it's trapped and it's itching to escape. Something evil lives not only inside but in the foundation, within the walls taunting the poor souls it's taken to earlier from their expected times of death.

I'm compelled to keep walking until my hand is on the door knob, I try to take control and walk back to the car but I do the opposite I open the door leaving this god awful creaking noise to echo in my ears. As if I was some kind of barbie doll that's being played with and made to walk into this nightmare awaiting me. Without hesitation my body wills me to step one foot inside.

"JULIA DON'T GO IN THERE" My mother screeches causing me to stop in my tracks.

"I-I can't stop it's like I don't have control" I yell back.

Before my mother could testify again I'm already walking into the house, rounding the corner and into the living room. I can sense Amara was here, not like here now but she was here her scent is pouring out of the walls. That baby smell she had when I first held her. This must've been the place Kurt took her and left her with his men. His men, oh god I didn't even think about that what if she has been touched or harmed and I just kept on living without trying to help her. Oh god she must think I'm the worst mother ever unless Kurt never told her about me and she doesn't even know she has a mother who loves her and wants her to come home. She doesn't even know she has a older brother well technically a twin brother but a brother nonetheless. She prolly still thinks Kurt is her dad and that she was fathered by a man who cared more about his life and his money then he did to raise her.

Oh my poor baby, mommy's coming to get you just hold on a little while longer. I promise you Amara I'll find you just like I did your grandparents, your aunt, my cousins, and all their children. Just like fate brought your father back home to me after all those years. I promise I'll save you, I'll do whatever I need to, whatever it takes to bring you back safe and sound even if it means I have to kill to protect you. I'll do anything.

I take a deep breath before walking upstairs and into the bedroom on the right. I see old pink wallpaper all ripped up and falling off the walls, a bed frame with the mattress thrown across the room, I think to myself about how bad her conditions must've been since she didn't have me or Ezekiel to raise her until I see a wicker desk that's been torn up. I walk over and open the drawers immediately to see little drawings signed by Amy. Could these be Amara's drawings? I take a closer look and see a drawing of Amy who looks a lot like Cristopher but with darker and longer hair with these blue eyes that resemble mine. She's holding hands with a woman who looks almost exactly like me, does she remember me? I keep thinking until I see a slim figure slip into the other room out of the corner of my eye.


"Alice is that you"

"Yes follow me"

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