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XXIV. "The Ex-lover And The Adulterous Whore"
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I'm woken up by the sounds of laughter traveling up throughout the house. I groan and roll over reaching for Ezekiel. My hand feel around the empty space next to me, I continue to roll over before I'm falling on my face.

"Fuck" I shout as I roll on my back and stare up at the celling remembering I'm not home, I'm still at Amelia's.

I pull myself up, brush my teeth and splash some water in my face. I open my eyes and stare at my reflection, I try to remember the events of last night but my mind comes up blank. I let out a frustrated sigh before throwing on some sweats and brushing my hair a little. I leave without shutting my door and make my way towards the kitchen. I yawn as I take in everyone here- Amelia's cooking as usual, Effie and Tempest are sitting on the couch in the living room watching some ridiculous movie she's been watching constantly. The girls are still at their friends house and finally Ezekiel is standing at the coffee maker with his back towards me.

Wait Ezekiel isn't that bulky, he's taller, skinnier, he usually walks around shirtless and he's got a lot of tattoos. Shit that's Drew, how did I forget Drew is here. I mentally slap myself as I continue to try and remember last night. Still reeling from the unknown and lots of wine I stock towards the coffee maker and pour myself some. I usually don't drink black coffee but I know it'll wake me up.

"Good morning love" Drew's signature cheeky grin grows as he kisses my forehead.

"Hey" I sheepishly reply, I can see Amelia raise an eyebrow at us.

"Hmmm Ames the food smells amazing" I change the subject before making my way towards her to watch and down my coffee.

"There's cold brew in the fridge, sweet foam, whip cream, caramel, french vanilla, and girl scout cookie syrup by the coffee maker" Amelia and me used to love cold brew, I think I'll make a cup just because she reminded me.

"Do you want a cup" I offer and she nods as she finishes cooking the bacon.

I fill the cups up about half way with ice, add in the cold brew, for mine i use a little french vanilla, lots of  caramel, stir in some sweet foam, topped of with whip cream and a little girl scout cookie syrup on top. For Ames I add just enough cold brew to go over the ice before I stir in the girl scout cookie syrup as I pour it in, I do a thin layer of sweet foam then add whip cream with lots of caramel syrup on top.

Ames and Drew place all the food down on the dining room table as I carry my cup, Ames cup and Drew's milk coffee. Effie stops me to ask if I'll make her a cup since she loves the way I make it. I giggle at her before going back into the kitchen and making her a cup. I do the same to hers as I did mine except I only use french vanilla and sweet foam on top with some cinnamon on top. How I make her's is pretty simple compared to mine or Ames, I sit her cup down in front of her before ruffling Tempest's hair.

He curses me under his breath before going back to their conversation. I sit down in my usual seat and grab some french toast with a few strawberries on top, fluffy eggs, a little bacon and some hash browns. I quickly dig in because of this stupid hang over I'm starving. I watch as Drew slides me two aspirin, I thank him before swallowing them and taking a drink of my cold brew concoction, I go back to eating and listen to the conversations everyone's having. Ames and Effie are arguing about whose drink tastes better and the guy are trying to decide who's better at boxing Drew's team or Tempest's.

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