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XXVI. Days Gone By
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*Next Thursday*
it's been a week since she saw Ezekiel

We are still trapped here, I had hoped Ezekiel would've found Alice by now but by the looks of it he's had about as much luck as I've had. My days are starting to blur together, I'm not sure if it's Tuesday or Saturday. This debilitating solace I've been forced into is slowly driving me mad. But I am thankful Drew and Dimitri have kept their distance, no doubt their only following Dominus's orders.

I despise the fact that I have to keep up this 'pet' act and continue calling Dominus master. I could always use my powers to get us the fuck out of here but I still don't know Dominus's plans, if I'm being honest I have a gut feeling if I were to attack now without any knowledge of his compound or his plans things wouldn't end well.

My thoughts come to a holt when I over hear his men speaking outside my door, "I can't believe Dominus ordered us to stay away from this little bitch-" Why the hell does he have kids working for him?

"Watch your tongue boy, if he hears you speaking ill of his pet- well you remember what happened to Tyler" A older man scolds the boyish sounding man.

"What happened? You know I was on leave after Ember tried to escape and wiped out at least twenty of our men" When I hear her name leave his mouth I move closer to the door hoping to hear some useful information.

"Oh shit you right- well between us he whipped that boy to the bone" W-Whipped? God this man is pure evil..

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Dead serious and he didn't stop even after the poor boy's cries went quiet, I heard Dimitri tried to step in and Dominus kicked him in the knee" That's why Dimitri was limping-

"His own son? Jesus no wonder people call him Het Donkere Wezen" Het Donkere Wezen? I think I remember hearing that phrase before but what does it mean?

"Shhh if he hears you he'll cut your tongue out boy" The older guy shushes the kid as they both gasp- I know Dominus has just entered the hallway.

Shit I quickly sprint over to the antique couch in the room he's locked me in. I sit down as I hear Dominus's voice, he's shooing his men away. Before I could react he opens the door and makes his way over to me.

If he's the dark creature then maybe Amara's here at the compound. I haven't heard anything from her side or Alice's so it's starting to worry me.

As I look up at him from my spot he grabs me by the arm before saying, "Let's go pet" he then continues to drag me into some kind of room made out of metal but there's something about this room.

It's different almost like it's been lined with crushed up mountain ash and water helmlock.

My vision starts to blur, I start to feel heavy and without hesitation Dominus picks me up and tosses me on a cold surface. I try to blink away the fuzzy feeling that's clouding my mind but I can barely see. I catch a figure- who I assume is Dominus tie my arms down by my sides.

"W-what are y-you doing?" I try to scream but my voice is barely a whisper,

"Shhh" I hear someone say.

"W-What d-do y-you w-w-want?" This time my voice carries a little bit of weight causing Dominus to get angry.

"Why isn't she knocked out yet?" Dominus growls-

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