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XXX. The End To A New Beginning
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Once we arrived back at the mansion- everyone besides Ezekiel, Amelia, Alias and I headed to bed including our little minions. Since our time away, Amelia had the guest room remodeled for Cristopher so he could now have his own room while Amara bunked with Aubrey.

Amelia started handing me this tall glass of wine as soon as I entered the dining room. Meanwhile Ezekiel and Alias drank one of Alias whiskey's he had stored away in his cellar.


It is now 12am on Saturday and we are still drinking,

"You've been extremely recluse lately, is everything okay Jules?"

"Uh" That's why she's getting me so drunk, so I can tell her what's wrong.

"Come on Jules, you know you can tell me anything"

"I- I can't have anymore kids" This lie seems to be the closest to the truth.

"Really? But I thought since you had the twins-"

"No I mean- Clarity said I could get pregnant but the pregnancy could be fatal to not only the baby but to me as well. She said I had '"too much

"Shit Jules have you told anyone?"

"Just you."

Without hesitation she pulls me into a hug, one I've been waiting for. You know the kinds of hugs that make you feel like your at home and safe? Yeah well that's what hugging Amelia feels like and to be honest she's been my home for so many years it's not strange that I still find myself needing that comfort even as an adult.

"Let's get fucked up" She giggles trying to lighten up the mood and she knows she's succeeded when my frown turns into a smile. I cheer as she pours us more shots.


I lost count of how many shots I've had when I watch Ezekiel and Alias emerge from the cellar with another bottle of bourbon. I giggle and all eyes are on me. Both Ezekiel and Alias stare between me and Amelia, I'm guessing she said something because they both shrugged it off and began pouring glasses. I turn to Amelia who's filing her nails, classic- Amelia. I laugh to myself as Ezekiel hands me a glass, he watches as I slurp the whole thing down and place the glass back into his hand.

His smirk tilts in a mischievous way, he's glad I'm enjoying myself. I sit back down knowing he's watching my every move, he sits the glass down and towers over me. His eyes eating me up as I feel the full effects of all the shots. He notices how hard I'm staring and decides to lean closer.

My breathing hitches as I hear Ames and Alias giggling in the kitchen. I quickly recover and bite my bottom lip in anticipation. His hands move from gripping the chair to my thighs, I gulp as I watch him lick his lips. When I realize his hands are now rested just above my knees, I feel the wetness between my legs grow. I try to push them together to hide the fact that I'm turned on. He quickly pushes them open to reveal just how wet I really am. A gasp leaves my mouth without permission as the sound of Amelia moaning echos from the kitchen. Ezeke looks to the side and chuckles- I guess we aren't the only ones who are horny. Once Ezekiel's eyes are back on me I reach up and pull him closer to me. He chuckled again when his hand slides up and he feels my soaking thigh.

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