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XXIX. So This Is Love
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Ezekiel begins chanting an ancient form of Latin I've only heard Dominus speak in, "Ego verus filius te damnamus obscuro circulo perditorum animarum, non ambulabis inter nos semper viventes."

Alice's hand finds mine as we watch Ezekiel destroy the biggest threat we've ever had to face.

"Nato numine et iure te a tempore et spatio deleo." By now Ezekiel is scream chanting with every ounce of energy his soul possess.

Alice and I watch Dominus's body turn into ashes and disappear before our eyes, Ezekiel falls to his knees gripping the carpet beneath his very feet. I feel Alice's hand leaving mine and I look over to see her turn into a pale white color as her spirit lets go of all the anger it's been holding in.

"Take care of him and my children" Is all she says before she disappears too.

"J-Julia we have to burn this place to the ground" Ezekiel murmurs.

I quickly sprint over to his side trying to make sense of what just happened. Without hesitation I grab his hand and think about leaving this horrid place. In no time we are sitting outside of the compound and Ezekiel pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"You called me Julia" I don't know why but he never calls me by my name, so when he did I felt this stabbing pain in my chest.

"I know Darlin'"

We just sit like this- in each other's arms for awhile without talking. It wasn't our usual peaceful silence it was more like this fog of heaviness around us that kept both of us from speaking.

"You need to burn-"

"You should go find Jace and Amara" I say as I let go of him and walk towards the building we've been held captive in for at least a week if not longer.

I don't look back at Ezekiel as I hear him stand up from his spot and walk away. Once I stop hearing his boots drag against the mix of dirt and concrete I know it's time.

Closing my eyes I take in a deep breath focusing my powers, picturing this wretched place going up in flames. The rage starts to boil in my stomach, not realizing the same rage that resides in me also begins to consume the compound. I mentally prepare myself waiting to be incinerated. As the flames crackle louder I throw my arms to my sides in a T formation. I feel the fire against my skin but it doesn't burn it just feels like I'm to close to a heater that's been set to a thousand degrees. I should be burnt to a crisp or even turned into ash and bone but I'm not. I begin screaming as the flames wrap around my body.

My body goes limp and I fall on the ground, maybe I over used my powers. Maybe I'm severely malnourished, maybe when Dominus put me under that spell- it did something to my powers? I don't know but I'm so tired, I yawn trying to open my eyes. I try to move but I can't my body refuses, my mind drifts off into unconsciousness.

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I thought life would go back to normal but after I found Amara and Jace we went back to the compound and found Julia unconscious. She was laying in the dirt with blood dripping from her nose. I sprinted over to here side in an instant, once I kneeled down I slipped my arms under her pale body and cupped her head in my hand. Then we made our way to Clarity's place, she preformed spells but nothing worked. Julia still laid there helpless and stuck in her own mind.

I never left her side, I sent Jace to her parents house to drop off Amara and honestly I haven't seen anyone besides Julia and Clarity. Speaking of Clarity she's been working tirelessly at finding some reason to explain Julia's condition. Without any new information Clarity's back at square one, she believes there isn't a medical issue causing Julia to stay in this state but she still isn't sure if it's all connected to magic.

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