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XXV. "The Infamous Cohan Brothers"
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Shit, somethings wrong very fucking wrong.



"You have to help grandma they found her, they took her"

"Oh baby, who took her"

"Daddy's brother's, they interrupted our communications and I could feel her being ripped away"

"Julia? Jules? God damnit Ezekiel hold her still I'm going to try something" Amelia's voice rings through my ears, I try to speak but I can't.

I see her redhead up in my eye view but I can't move my head to let her know I can hear her, I'm frozen in my spot. Before I can make out what she's doing, her lips meet mine. It was just like when we were preteens before we met Ezekiel or Alias we would get drunk and make out. We'd end up laughing afterwards or drunk dancing on each other. I'm finally able to move and I try to speak,

"Just like when we were kids right" I giggle as we both wipe our mouths, neither of us are gay like Sonia and Clementine but we do enjoy the rare make out sessions with someone of the same sex.

Ezekiel begins laughing along, he's always knew about our bond so it's no surprise to him nor Alias and to be honest they don't really mind it if we make out. I think it's because they find it sexy and prolly dream of a 3 some with both of us chicks. What can I say? We're hot and we know it.

I grab Amelia's hand she's extended out in front of me and I sit up leaning against the coffee table and look around. Dimitri is pulling a bloody Drew up so he can sit against the wall, Dimitri's eyes scan over mine with pure rage.

He pulls out his phone and makes a call, I know he's calling for back up along with the help of Dominus the kingpin of the Cohan family. The leader and the father of the Cohan brother's. By now you probably have some knowledge of Dominus and the Cohan family but still their a bunch of woman beating, raping, pansy ass bitches. I know I'll have to fight along with Ezekiel so I look at Amelia who's already plotting something, I can just tell by the way her eyes shift and she digs her nails into her palms. I open her fist and lace my hand with hers knowing it'll calm her down.

"Amelia tell Tempest I'll need his help, I want you and Effie to get Genesis, the girls and Cris out of here. Go to my parents, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen and I want you guys as safe and far away as possible when it happens" Her eyes gloss over as she takes in my words,

"But Jules we can help I know how to-"

"No Ames we can handle this, my mother will know what to do, god she'll probably send Teagan, Rebel and Reagan to come help" I don't want to see them get hurt, their my family and this is my fight. It started with me, so it'll end with me.

I glance over to see Ezekiel sending a group text to his men, which means in a matter of seconds Murtagh, Rupert, Angus, Willie and Chuckie will be here. Knowing how the Cohan family rolls, there will more then likely be more of them then us but that's perfectly fine as long as Amelia and them can get away without being followed or hurt.

"I want Julian to go with you guys as well, incase of an emergency he'll be able to fight long enough for you and Effie to get the little ones and Gene to safety" Amelia nods as she gives me a hug before sneaking away to go find the others and let them know the plan.

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