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XVIII. "Opal, Opal We Must Be Hopeful"
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I'm awoken from my sleep by the rantings of my dear fiancé also known as the love of my life. To my surprise she's still asleep, waving her hands in the air trying to stop something from happening. I know I should be used to all the outrageous and meekly confusing things that go on in this family, but I still find myself wishing- no praying that everything will be normal again. It's not wrong for me to believe in a world without lies, scams, kidnappings and the extra flare of dark or light magic. -Okay in my defense I just want what's best for my family, my wife, my in-laws, for my children for god sakes. Nothing else matters to me besides them, I know I should value my country over any men or woman- like my hellish father but nothing could ever trump my love for my family not even my country. I quickly shut my thoughts off when I hear a phone ringing.

I grab my phone to see who's calling, to my surprise nobody's calling me. I look around for Julia's phone without waking her up I answer her phone.


"Ezekiel? Where's Julia"

"She's still asleep, why what's wrong"

"Im not sure, I just found a pregnancy test in my trashcan and it's positive"

"Aye' your wee lass is finally with a bairn, that's good news is it not"

"I'm over the moon but she's been acting weird like she doesn't like human contact, I tried to help her the last night with washing the dishes and as soon as my hand was on her shoulder she dropped the plate and was stuck in some kind of trance"

"You don't think that maybe your child is magical?"

"That's why I called Julia, I know she has visions and I'm worried that whatever Genesis is seeing maybe connected to finding Amara or a potential threat"

"The worst part is Genesis hasn't told me she's pregnant yet or that she's seeing things"

"Aye' I'll bring Julia by later to check in on her and find out what's happening"

"Thanks brother I'll let you know where she is then"

"Anytime man" And with that I hung up and pull my phone out to call Clarity.

"Hey honey what's wrong"

"Julia's having those weird dreams again and now her brother's lass is possibly having visions, I know this isn't your typical check in but-"

"Honey please you know I can't ignore a sister witch in need of help, that goes against everything my families coven stands for"

"Aye' I'll text you later after I talk to Julia"

"Ezekiel" I hear Julia stir awake still mid- yawn.

"Okay Honey be safe and-" I cut her off by hanging up and checking on Julia.

"Who was that" She continues to yawn,

"Darlin' that was Clarity but Julian called you, Genesis is pregnant and he thinks she might be having visions"

She sits straight up and on alert, her soft skin drains of color like she knows something.

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