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XVII. "Tonight Is Almost Magic"
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*Monday Night*

The second phase of our romantic date, Ezekiel took me to the grand opening of "Sehne Dich" formally known for his graffiti 'craving you baby' obviously he couldn't go on with the same name after moving to Scotland

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The second phase of our romantic date, Ezekiel took me to the grand opening of "Sehne Dich" formally known for his graffiti 'craving you baby' obviously he couldn't go on with the same name after moving to Scotland. Anything's possible in Scotland. But nothing ever seemed so effortlessly designed quite like Leon Müller's art. He's the hottest news right now; painting mountain landscapes for charity, running 5ks, this man even does portraits for 165.57 Euros. Granted that equals to only $200 dollars but that's pretty cheap for an up and coming artist.

Anyways enough about "Müller" let's talk about the viewing room, it's amazing the architecture has been stable all these years not to mention the renovations. The classic white walls and gold statues and some older pieces, I'm not to sure who painted them but it's clear Müller is not as advanced with his skill to glide the brush and bend the lines without a single missed line. Okay I know I sound obsessed which in my defense I'm a sucker for art but I need to get back to Ezekiel.

Woah I don't even know where to start... As soon as we got our bid cards and sign in he fled for his life. Not really but yes he raced off to converse with other buyers, leaving me with the fat lonely lady who talks about her cat every chance she gets and the guy who smells of raw fish as he continuously recites bible verses in a chant or the elderly couple that's snoring boulders over by the line for raffle tickets. I can't help but to notice how his art tells a story, the painting in front of me shows a sweet girl picking flowers on the top and a wildcat young mom who battling her own demons. It's showing how such a kind heart can drift and sink because of this world we've traditionally built to carry on the population. Instead we let the ones who matter fall through the cracks as the others prance around so openly careless.

"Darlin'" I hear Ezekiel's voice over my own thoughts.

"Y-Yes" I reply back trying to seem less startled then I really am.

"I'd like you to meet Leon Müller" He all but cheers as Leon eyes me up and down like a platter of lobster.

I shudder away my disgust in his actions as I reach out to shake his hand, he doesn't grab my hand he plants a slobbery kiss upon the top of my hand. I shift uneasy as I feel Ezekiel's arm tightening around my waist showing I'm his. Leon watches Ezekiel very closely waiting for him to attack but instead Ezekiel chuckles as he continues a conversation with Leon.

Some how I ended up next to Leon, and Ezekiel has left to converse with other buyers. I feel Leon's hand on my waist and I try to squirm but his grip is to tight. He grabs my ass in a hand full making me sick to my stomach. He pulls me back into a door with his hand on my mouth, I try to bite his finger to distract him so I can escape but I'm to late he's already leaning me over some table pulling up my dress. I freeze when I feel his heavy breathing on my shoulder, I should move and kill him any other person and I would but I'm stuck he has me.

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