24| Jet

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Chapter 24


Ep 36: Lake Laogai

I hadn't decided what I would do yet

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I hadn't decided what I would do yet. In fact, I'd been sat staring at the tea in front of me as if it had all the answers in the world trying to figure that out. I'm not sure how long I'd been sat there, at the table with my tea but I am broken out of my thoughts by voices that weren't there before. Sokka and Toph. 

Sokka was sat down the table drawing passionately whilst Toph sat with one foot on the table as she picked the dirt out from between her toes. "Y'know, I think this was my missed calling." Sokka says proudly, not glancing up from his drawing.

"Calm down, Sokka, you're not Leonardo DaVinci." Toph continues to pick at her toes. 

Sokka pauses for a moment, before starting again, mumbling under his breath, "I could be Leonardo DaVinci..."

When I glance back down at the tea in front of me, I notice for the first time that its cold. I stand to my feet, heading to the kitchen. As I set the cup down in front of me and start to boil some more water over the fire, I start to wonder. 

A quick check over my shoulder tells me the other two are still occupied. Holding the cup in my hand, I take a deep breath in and focus on my anger. Nothing too deep, I don't need to burn down the house. The water starts to boil and suddenly I realise I hadn't exactly thought this through. Through the bubbling the water spills out onto my hands. The water I just brought to boil. 

"Shit!" The mug falls from my hands, shattering on the hard floor. Suddenly the other two aren't happily occupied anymore.

Sokka rushes over, pulling me away from the shards blanketing the floor and the boiling water now claiming as much space as possible. He looks down at my hands, red and raw, before silently grabbing some cool water for me. "Are you okay?" I bob my head, watching as the water lights up as I heal the skin that would surly have burnt. Good to know I can control somethings. Sokka doesn't seem convinced but allows me to clean up after myself after insisting he help me. "Wanna see my poster for Appa?" Sokka leads me away, handing me a new mug of tea. He must of made it whilst I was cleaning.

Sokka starts to thumb through some of his posters, the more he shows me the more it becomes difficult to hide a wince at the sight of them. 

"We found a printer to make out posters!" Katara announces as her and Aang enter the house, joining us at the table.

Sokka looks up with a furrowed brow pausing in showing me a poster in which Appa some how looks more phallic-like than usual. "Hey, I thought designing the lost Appa poster was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa!" He shows them a picture I was yet to see, with a glowing smile.

"Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head." Aang looks exasperated as he says it and i have to hide my laughter behind my mug of tea and Sokka turns to look at his drawing with a furrowed brow.

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