13 | A Case is Afoot

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Chapter 13

A Case is Afoot

Ep 25: Avatar Day

Well, today started with a bang

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Well, today started with a bang. I woke up to Sokka telling Momo to 'respect his boundaries', only to find the group trapped by Fire Nation soldiers. "Give up!" One of them tells us, "You're completely surrounded." We all scramble to get everything we need. Lucky for me I had all my stuff nearby and the only valuable items I had out (Dad's dagger) were already on my person. So I grabbed my bag and legged it to Appa.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Sokka shouts to us all.

Aang is already on Appa's back when Katara turns around saying, "My scrolls!" One of the men stabs his staff into the tree stump where the box of scrolls were sitting, threatening her to come closer. 

"My staff!" Aang realizes.

Katara freezes the man's staff and grabs her scrolls before he can break free. Another of the men pulls a fully grown tree to the ground in order to block Aang's path. He simply uses his air bending to flip over it. Just when Aang reaches his things the third man throws something at Aang, perhaps a kind of bomb, Aang flicks it away before climbing onto the great bison's back with Katara, Sokka, and I.

"Yip, yip!"

The fourth man sends a burst of fire at us. We all duck down but I am too late and it hits my shoulder, or it should have hit my shoulder. I felt the heat but never the burn. Before I could think about it more Sokka draws the group's attention to the camp we just fled from.

"My boomerang!" He shouts at us.

"There's no time!"

Sokka turns to Katara, "Oh I see, so there's time to get you scrolls, and time to get your staff, but not time for my boomerang?"

Katara just looks at her brother innocently, "That's correct!"


We have been on Appa's back for a while before we found the next town and Sokka has been sulking the whole way. "Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka."

"I feel like I've lost part of my identity. Imagine if you lost your arrow, or if Tenshi lost that really cool scar on her face, or if Katara lost her..." He turns to his sister who is standing at a stall, "Hair loopies." 

"Here's your produce, ponytail guy." The guy behind the stall hands Sokka a basket of food and other necessities. Sokka looks down crestfallen, "I used to be 'boomerang guy'."

Sokka, Aang, and I move to the side to sort through the basket whilst Katara pays the man for the food. "Happy Avatar Day!"

"Avatar Day?" Aang asks 

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