21 | Slurry Shower

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Chapter 21

Slurry Shower

Ep 32: The drill

Ep 32: The drill

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We've been walking for some time and we are finally closing in on the wall when Aang glides down to us. "Aang what are you doing here?" Katara questions as he lands in front of us, "I thought you were looking for Appa."

"I was but something stopped me - something big." Aang then gestures for us to follow him and he leads us over to the bottom of Ba Sing Se's famous wall. Aang and Toph stand on either side of our group and start to bend the land that we're sliding on up the wall, bringing us higher, and higher, and higher still.

"Now, what's so important that Appa has to wait?" 

Aang looks over the side of our platform and nods to a drill approaching the side of the wall, "That." That was enough of an answer for Sokka and we all remain silent for the rest of the way up. 

Once we reach the top everyone stares over the edge at the drill that could mean the end of Ba Sing Se. I glance around at the soldiers eyeing us before I hear a voice from next to me.

"We made it to Ba Sing Se and we're still not safe." Ying says glumly, "No one is." The family huddles together in an effort to comfort each other. 

I look away back to the soldiers to see two having had approached us, "What are you people doing here." One asks, "Civilians aren't allowed on the wall."

Aang just stares them down as he steps forwards, staff in hand, "I'm the avatar, take me to whoever is in charge." He demands.

The soldiers look at each other, the one who is yet to say anything moves forwards, saying he'll escort the family to the city. The other one leads us to another part of the wall. "It is an honour to welcome you to the outer wall, young avatar." The man in charge, general Sung, says when we get there. "But your help is not needed."

"Not needed?"

"Not needed." He repeats with a confident smile. "I have the situation under control. I assure you the fire nation cannot penetrate this wall." He says as he gets up from his seat behind his desk and starts to lead us elsewhere, "Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded." The general tells us as he looks over the wall.

Toph crosses her arms, "What about the dragon of the west? He got in."

That's when he falters, "Well, technically, yes... But he was quickly expunged. Nevertheless, that is why this city is called Ba Sing Se. It's the impenetrable city. They don't call it Na Sing Se." He holds his stomach as he laughs at his own joke before he suddenly stops and looks at us incredibly seriously, "That means 'penetrable city'," in a monotonous voice.  

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