8 | Crazy amazing spirit attack

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Chapter 8

Crazy Amazing Spirit Attack

Episode 20: Siege of the North Part 2

"I can't believe I lost him," Katara says as she kneels down

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"I can't believe I lost him," Katara says as she kneels down. Whilst she and Sokka talk I examine my wrist, Katara wasn't able to fully heal the burn from Zuko, and I'm not sure I could either. There is still a bright red hand print wrapped around my forearm and it stings to the touch.

"You did everything you could," Sokka tells her, "And now we need to do everything we can to get him back. Zuko can't have gotten far, we'll find him. Aang's gonna be fine," he says as he and the rest of us head towards Appa, ready to get the young avatar back. "Ok," Katara says as she walks to join us. 

"Don't worry, Prince Zuko can't be getting that far in this weather," Yue tells us as we fly over the snow in the middle of a blizzard. 

"I'm not worried that they'll get away in the blizzard, I'm worried that they won't," Katara says.

I frown at what she was implying, the possibility didn't escape my notice but I've been trying to distract myself from that thought with the search for Aang. "They're not going to die in this blizzard, if we know anything it's that Zuko never gives up. They'll survive and we'll find them."

Suddenly Katara sees a blue light shoot past us, "Look, that's gotta be him!" She says as we turn to chase after it. We quickly land by a tied-up Aang and an enraged Zuko. Katara jumps off of Appa, "Here for a rematch?" Zuko asks her.

"Hold up. Did you - a fire bender- just challenge a master water bender, surrounded by ice and snow, during a full moon, to a fight?" He just stares at me, "Whoa you really didn't think this through, huh?" I say with a patronizing tone and a smug smile on my face and Sokka wears a similar expression as we look down at the as good as dead fire prince.

"Trust me Zuko, it's not gonna be much of a match," Katara says before swiftly taking Zuko down whilst Sokka unties Aang. They all quickly run to Appa after Aang tells us we need to get to the oasis to help the spirits. Aang also makes the strange decision to bring Zuko with us to make sure he doesn't die.

Suddenly red paints the sky and the moon is no longer an eliminating light in the sky but instead a dim crimson, Yue looks like she's about to pass out. She tells us all the story of how she owes the moon spirit her life and why her hair is white. Apparently, it saved her life when she was born ill, that is the only reason she was still with us now.

Momo flies over to us and lands on Aang's arm after pulling on Commander Zhao's face making a complete fool of him.

"Put the fish down!" I shout, he looks over at me.

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