10 | Butterflies in the Dark

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Chapter 10

Butterflies in the Dark

Ep 22: The Cave of Two Lovers

"You guys are gonna be done soon right? We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today

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"You guys are gonna be done soon right? We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today." Sokka tells Katara and Aang as he floats on the surface of the river.

Katara looks over to him and puts her hands on her hips, "What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" 

Katara and Aang have been practising water bending all morning whilst Sokka relaxed. I've been washing my clothes and am now checking over my leg wound. It is basically healed, but after so much going on recently the stitches have been threatening to reopen. 

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously. Whenever."

As Aang and Katara continue with their lesson Sokka approaches me.  "How's your leg?" He asks as he stands in front of me. 

I shrug my shoulders, "As good as it's going to get at the moment, I guess."

He nods and then sits next to me after grabbing a small pot from the medical bag that is sitting beside me. He scoops some cream for the pot in his hand, and looks up at me, pausing for a moment, suddenly realising what he was about to do, "Do you mind?" He asks before gesturing to my leg. I shake my head and he starts to help me apply it, "It's supposed to be soothing." He explains. I watch him wordlessly, the English language lost on me at the sensation of tingling warmth Sokka's touch sends across my body.

He looks over to his sister and friend before asking, "How are the nightmares?" in a hushed tone. I visibly tense at the mention of them, "That bad?" I look down at my knees, refusing to answer. "Is there something I can do to help?" He asks, when I look up to him he is wearing a worried look as he stares me in my eyes. 

"Just being here for me is help enough." He looks at me doubtfully, "Honest." I tell him as I place my hand on his and give it a gentle squeeze before letting it go, "Now go and enjoy the river!" I tell him with a smile. He studies my face and I can feel it growing more red by the second, he then nods and walks away.

Suddenly we can hear music coming from the trees and a group of travellers emerges. "Don't fall in love with a travelling girl she'll leave you broke and broken-hearted." A man sang as he and his group got closer and closer to the river. Once they reach the edge they stop their music and look at us all. "Hey, Hey! River people."

"We're not river people."

"You're not? Well, then what kind of people are you?" The singer asks

We all give him puzzled looks, "We're just... people," Aang tells them.

"Aren't we all, brother? Hoo!"

Sokka makes his way closer before he starts his questioning with, "Who are you?"

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