15 | A trip down memory lane

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Chapter 15

A trip down Memory lane

Ep 16: Zuko Alone

"Who are you?" A girl in an all-green uniform asks

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"Who are you?" A girl in an all-green uniform asks. Several girls stand around her, all in the same uniform and pointing weapons of all sorts at me. 

"She's the Dual Dragon. Look at her scar." One of the warriors points to my face, with a smile, they look so proud that they realized who I am before anyone else.

"Why would the Dual Dragon come here? We are not enemies of the fire nation. We have stayed out of the war. Why would they send an assassin?" I watch as the girls talk amongst themselves trying to figure out why I would show up on their island. 

I run a hand through my hair as I debate in my head what to do. Why this island of all places? I could have gone to Ba Sing Sei that might have been easier to blend in. But it would also be harder to defend myself. No, I made the right choice coming here - as long as I can convince these girls to help me.

"The Fire Nation didn't send me."

The girls halt their discussion and all look as if they momentarily forgot I was there. "Then who did send you?"

"No one. No one sent me, I came here 'cause ... I never chose to be the Dual Dragon. It wasn't a role I ever wanted and I don't ever plan on being her again. I just had to get away, okay? I came here, hoping that I would be safe. The Fire Nation doesn't even know I've left yet. I'll leave as soon as I believe I'm putting you and these people in danger. Until then, I am begging you to let me stay." The group had simply listened to me the whole time and started looking amongst themselves once I was done.

One girl that appeared to be the leader stepped forwards and after looking at the girls behind her she turned to me with her decision, "I will talk to Oyaji, I will argue your case. If he agrees to let you stay in his town, you will be guarded by none other than the best of our soldiers. If you give us any reason to believe you will put someone in danger we will feed you to the Unagi." I nod and watch as she walks away, gesturing for two other warriors to stand with me whilst the rest leave.

One of the two, also the one who realized who I was, approaches with a smile. "Hello, Ms. Dragon. My name is Kun. My friend and I will look after you till Suki gets back with Oyaji's answer." They say with a smile, "What's your real name?" I stare at them blankly.

"Kun we are not here to be friends with her we are here to guard her." Kun frowns and glances at me before mirroring her friend's stance of standing by my side ready in case I try and hurt someone. I stand with my hands at my side staring straight ahead with a frown on my face. 

I notice out of the corner of my eye Kun glancing at me and fidgeting in their place and shifting their weight. They look like they have too much energy to stand still for more than 5 minutes. "What made you leave now?" They ask and I catch their friend throwing a glare their way. I still stand unmoving facing the direction the girl, now known to me as Suki, went. Kun looks at me disappointed, "You don't have any family you could go to?" They ask. That's when I falter, my frown deepens, and I have to bite my bottom lip to stop it from wobbling. It was only for a moment before I corrected myself but I'm almost certain Kun noticed, they had been watching me closely for any kind of reaction.

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