6 | Northern Water Tribe

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Chapter 6

Northern Water Tribe

Episode 18: The Waterbening Master

Episode 18: The Waterbening Master

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"I'm not one to complain-" Sokka starts, I snort, "But can't Appa fly any higher?"

"I have an idea, why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole," Aang snaps back

"I'd love to. Climb on everyone Sokka is ready for take-off," He responds as Momo jumps on his back.

Katara sighs before turning to look at both of them, "Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've all been flying for two days straight." 

"And for what? We can't even find the North Pole. There is nothing up here." Sokka tells her.

Just then ice shoots in front of Appa forcing Aang to pull on the reins so we don't get hit. Another one shoots up hitting Appa's foot causing him to spin out of control and land in the water. Ice then freezes around him, trapping him and us. That's when boats come forward containing groups of men.

"They're water benders," Katara tells us, "We found the water tribe,"

"Ha, I love it when the universe proves you wrong," I say smiling over at Sokka, he just gives me a glare. I look at the men surrounding us and they look back at me wearily. I wonder if I knew them- if so they do not like me.


"There it is."

"The Northern Water tribe," Katara says in awe.

"We're finally here," Sokka adds.

The wall is beautiful and I can't help but be reminded of my flashback. Those boys and I were outside this wall, I know that now.

The water benders work together to create an arch for us to go through the wall. The city we were revealed to is breathtaking and so different from what I have seen before yet it feels so familiar at the same time. Appa swims us through the river leading through the city of ice as we take in the amazing sight surrounding us.

"This place is beautiful," Katara says.


"Yeah, she is," Sokka and I speak together yet our minds are both elsewhere, Sokka is looking off at a girl with long, flowing, white hair in a boat we had just past and not the architecture. 

We enter a grand hall where the chief sits in front of us. Just as we get to the middle of the hall and slow our walking to a stop, two guards harshly grab my arms and force them behind my back before tying a tight rope around my wrists. I attempt to wrangle my way out of their hold but their grip on me is tight and even if at one point I had developed muscles, I don't know. They easily overpower me. Sokka looks as though he was going to say something but I shake my head at him as the guards stand strong on either side of me.

𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙢𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧ˢᵒᵏᵏᵃWhere stories live. Discover now