30 | National Lighthouse Day

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Today marks the day that the U

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Today marks the day that the U. S. congress passed the resolution that protected lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers. The day commemorates the culture and history associated with lighthouses as well as the beauty they add to the coastlines. It also stands as the day that can serve as a way to bring people together to appreciate lighthouses, their service in guiding sailors and protecting ships, as well as a way to protect them from falling into disrepair in this age of technology.


Lighthouses are stark images - tall and austere, yet comforting due to their role in guiding mariners through treacherous waters. They may serve two symbolic purposes; the mighty, erect, phallic symbol of power or the enclosed area serving as a sanctuary or safe haven.

They portray the image of 'a guiding light' and hope and salvation at the end of a difficult journey. Yet the lighthouse stands alone in the vast expanse of water, signifying isolation.

A lighthouse may also serve as a symbol for 'individual consciousness' which was explained by Carl Jung as a light in an otherwise darkened existence. Individual consciousness may awaken the human mind yet at the same time it separates them from others, creating isolation and despair.

Lighthouses in Stories

The image of the lighthouse is so tantalising and reinforced through the years that numerous books and movies continue to make use of them. It is with this in mind that we present to you our top 3 picks for lighthouses in books and movies. Please let us know in the comments if you've read or watched any of these and if there are any others that we should read or watch.


1. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

2. Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

3. The Lighthouse by Edgar Allan Poe


1. South Solitary

2. The Light Between Oceans

3. The Lighthouse






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