46 | Halloween Activity

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At the end of this week, Halloween celebrations will begin around the world! Are you excited? Have you picked your pumpkin to carve a scary face into to scare off Jack's wandering soul? Picked out your Halloween costume yet? Don't worry! You still have a few days to get things in order!

We've pretty much covered the most interesting parts of the origin of Halloween. So, to give you our last activity, we bring you a fun game of This or That, Halloween edition. Pick your preferences and defend your choice in the comment section!

Next up in our Halloween themed surprises, our very last haunted place in our Haunted Places articles

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Next up in our Halloween themed surprises, our very last haunted place in our Haunted Places articles. Want to read the first again, or are you just now joining us and want to catch up? Head on over to the chapter titled 38 | Halloween and join us in the fun!

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