Iced Tea Options

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~Cold Brew~

Cold brewing is the absolute best way to make iced tea. It's delicious, smooth, and refined. It's also the easiest method but it takes a few hours to make. Tea and water are combined and left to steep in the refrigerator. Takes about 6-12 hours to make, depending on the tea.

~Hot Brew~

This method is quicker than making cold brew but it can make your iced tea cloudy and bitter if made incorrectly. Tea is brewed using hot water then cooled down. Takes about 1-2 hours to make.

~Ice Chill~

This is the quickest way to make iced tea but you need a ton of ice. This can make make your iced tea cloudy and bitter if made incorrectly. Hot tea is made then cooled down quickly using ice. Takes less than 10 minutes to make.

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