1. Before You...

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"You could be more than this! Why can't you just go to Scotland with me and accept my dad's offer? He's trying to help you succeed because he liked you. But you choose to do gigs and join contests? You and your stupid... rock band!" She said, her eyes filled with anger.

"But this is my passion..." I defended.

"But it's not doing me any good! I can't see you, and be with you whenever I want to because you're out there doing a lot of gigs and trying to find record labels, no one's going to give a fuck about your kind of music!" She yelled, turning her back on me.

"Do you think it's doing me any good either?" I hugged her from behind to calm her down. "I told you, I can help on your dad's technology company whilst doing what I love."

"Oh yeah? it's doing you a lot of good. Stop talking to me like playing your rock music doesn't make you happy, you enjoy it, you jump around and smash your stringed instruments, I'm not stupid! I'm breaking up with you if you don't go to Scotland with me tomorrow." she said turning to me and pushing me away.

"No, please. You know i can't live without you. I'll... I'll do anything for you... But... Music is my passion, it's what I love, it's my biggest dream to perform and express myself..." I begged as my eyes are filling up with tears.

She let out a loud sigh. "alright. My dad has already bought your tickets." she takes the plane ticket out of her pocket and she hands it to me. "if you go with me then I'll forget everything we have said and fought about." she said and hugged me, and I was relieved that I will not be losing the girl I love, but I'll be losing my passion and dreams, I guess all the sacrifices would pay off one day.

I took her to her favorite restaurant, the both of us had a great night and the great talk. It was all going well, until I walked her home. Then we kissed good night.
"Am I going to see you tomorrow?" she asked with a smile. "Indeed" I said with a bit of doubt in my heart, hoping she didn't hear it in my voice. "goodnight Matt." she gave me one last smile before coming in to the door.

I started walking down the dark road with hesitation whether I made the right decision or I might regret this on my entire life. There's no going back in time, so I guess I really should have thought this through before promising anything to her.

Whilst I was walking home quietly and thinking about my decisions, I got a text from the record label we sent an entry to...

It says that they want to see us tomorrow and maybe sign us!

I got so happy I can't stop smiling. I quickly ran to Dom's house which is nearby to my girlfriend's house, and rang the bell, Dom's dad opens the door. "is Dom here sir?" I asked with an uneraseable smile on my face, "he's upstairs. Probably listening to his grunge CDs." I giggled and nodded, "could I come and see him?" I asked with excitement then he nodded and I excused myself and ran upstairs and knocks on Dom's door, he is playing Lithium by Nirvana really loud maybe that's why he couldn't hear my knocks so I knocked again when the song is done, he opened, he's got a towel around his waist and his hair was wet.

"what are you doing here at this hour?' he asked, "I got great news." I said and showed him the text I got from the recording label we sent our entry to.

He started jumping of joy.

"God! We have to tell Chris! And we have to reherse our songs!"

He quickly got dressed and went to Chris's house with me. We didn't have to knock or anything because Chris was just about to go home, from a football practice I think.

"Dude! Look!" Dom shows the text to Chris, and he smiled since he's not really the jumpy jumpy guy like us (yet) and he must be kinda too tired due to football practice.

Although he's tired we can see that he is also excited. He didn't even bother to change clothes, we came to my garage and performed a few of our songs, which is by the way soundproof so it's okay to scream our lungs out even at night.

We finished practicing, we sat and started talking about things we wanted to do if ever we get signed. Whilst the two of them are talking about carrying their girlfriends with them on touring around the world, I suddenly remembered my girlfriend and my promise to her.

I covered my face out of being problematic about my promise. I'm torn between the love of my life and my dreams.

If i go to the airport tomorrow and fly to Scotland with her, i will surely be in a technology company, with a great future but not really happy, but if i choose this, I would be stepping up towards my dreams but I will lose her, which is the last thing I want to happen.

"Uh, guys... I'll think about it first" I said doubtfully. "what?! But I thought you wanted to. We practiced." Dom whined.

"Of course dude I wanted to, but if I do this I would lose my girlfriend." I said, sighing

"Dude i'm not saying this in a player way, but she is not the only girl in this world. You will find a better woman that would accept you for what you want to do." Dom said

Chris nods and adds, "if she truly loves you, she would go with you to the audition tomorrow and leave her family business to support you."

I have to think about this.

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