15. Re-calling

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-Matt's POV-

After writing the song, I tried to contact Dom to talk to him about it, but he was not answering his phone, so I'm guessing he's probably asleep by now, after all it's freaking 1:07 AM now.

I was all lonely by myself, and I kinda remember the time before I dialed the party line and met Raine.

Hmm, what if I do it again? I kinda really need someone to talk to, so I can also get my mind off Raine and Chris.

So I got the phone book and I looked for the party line number and dialed it.

"Hello?" A girl's voice asked, she sounds like Raine in the telephone. Maybe it was her. So I decided to ask.

"Hello... Raine?" I unsurely asked.

"Woah, how did you know my name?"

It was her, what the fuck. How am I supposed to get away from thinking about her?

"Hey? Who is this? How did you know my name?" She asked again.

"I could never forget the voice of the girl who saved me." I said.

"Matt the telephone guy???"

"Yes, it's me." I said.

"Oh my God! You left me on air the next day, you didn't join the party line, even though we promised to talk again. I liked talking to you and you broke your promise. I waited for you for weeks!" She exclaimed

"Don't you know what happened to me? we got signed the next day and started writing our stuff and touring."

"Wow! Your dreams finally came true! that's great news, but I have a bad news for you, you left me on air and I'm still mad at you for that."

"I'm sorry... Please forgive me. I would've called you but I flew to America the next day." I explained.

'then you got big? Didn't you?"

"Yes. We're called Muse."

"Muse? So you are saying you are Matthew Bellamy, vocalist of Muse?"

"Yes." I said, getting ready for her reaction.

There was a few seconds of silence...

"No, it couldn't be you, although your names are the same, your voices are way too different."

Actually some people really tell me that my voice in person and on the phone sounds different so I couldn't blame her if she doesn't believe.

"He speaks so softly, he's sweet, and he has the most precious laugh ever... And..." She stops talking and I can suddenly hear her sobbing.

"What's happening? Please tell me if you're okay. I will head over where you are if you need me to." I said getting worried.

"No. Don't. Not another guy in my life please."

"What do you mean? Please at least tell me if you're alright."

"I don't want another guy in my life. I don't deserve anyone. I'm with Chris but I think I'm in love with someone else."

What? She's in love with another guy? Who could it be? Great another guy surrounding her. Sigh.

"But... But if you love someone else, why did you... uh... chose to be with that Chris guy?" I asked curiously.

"No I didn't. I was supposed to tell Chris that my feelings for him is not the same back in college anymore, but then he cuts me off and started talking first. Then I saw the other guy watching us, and I accidentally said "I love you" to him, then Chris suddenly pulled me for a hug and it's all messed up. He must have thought I was saying those words to him. It's my fault." She explained while sobbing.

So, it was all a big confusion and a mistake.

"Why can't you just tell Chris? Maybe he would understand, instead of lying to him and to yourself. What if the other guy loves you too?"

"I wanted to, believe me, I tried to tell Chris, but if he doesn't hear me, he cuts me off, or kisses me, or gives me something like a bass guitar. I couldn't hurt him knowing he's all kind and so caring. I guess I should just set my happiness aside and be with Chris. Besides, I don't think the other guy would love someone like me."

"Why wouldn't he love you? I think you're kind, funny, a life savior and talented... Anyone would kill just to be with you." I explained.

"... I'm nothing close to your description. Don't expect too much..." She said still sobbing but a little quieter this time.

"If the guy was me and I find out that you're hurting yourself for someone else's happiness, I would be sad, and I would stop you. Please, choose the guy you love." I said, hurting myself again, because she should be with me but there's Chris and now, another guy, and she loves him. But I want her to be happy, that's the most important thing for me right now.

"I really needed someone to talk to right now, thank you for the advice... Matt number 2." She said sniffing.

"Matt number 2? Matt number 1 being Matt Bellamy from Muse?"


"I told you, I am Matt Bellamy from Muse." I clarified again.

"...a-are you really sure? You're Matt? The telephone guy and the one from Muse?"

"I am sure. I can meet up with you to prove it."

"Okay, then let's meet, right now. If you are not Matt Bellamy then I would still be glad to finally meet you, but I will surely kick you in the nuts."

"Okay. Let's see. Exeter College?"

"Oh our school, okay... See you then. Take care." She said hanging up.

I got myself ready physically and emotionally, because she will finally meet me not as Matt from Muse but the Matt that she saved on the phone.

I made my way to the school and waited for her.

After a long while, she hadn't arrived. Sigh. I guess she was just making fun of me. I will just go home and ask her on the phone why she didn't show up.

I was just walking home when my phone beeped and I saw a text from Dom.

"Chris had an accident. We are at the hospital right now. Teignmouth hospital."

I ran into my car and drove to the hospital as fast as I can. I got to the hospital and I saw Dom and ran to him.

"How did it happen dude?" I asked worriedly

"Chris was a little drunk due to the celebration, then a couple of hours after Raine left, we continued drinking then he used the bathroom and slipped. His left leg was broken."

"Oh, God... That's why I tell him not to drink too much." I said and I sat beside Dom and suddenly saw Raine coming out of the room where Chris was.

That's why she was not able to show up.

"Chris is better now, he just had a broken leg and nothing else. The leg has been treated and now he is sleeping." She said.

"You guys can go and visit him now." She added.

"Thank you Raine." Dom said and he pats my arm, inviting me to go in with him so I got in with him and we saw Chris, then Raine follows us in.

Now it would be harder for her to leave Chris because of his situation right now. She deserves to be happy.

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