3. Unintended

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-Matt's POV-

Chris and Dom asked to hang out in our garage after the fucked up audition, I agreed and we hung up. They sure gave me some fun time and made me feel better, but now that they are not around, I can't help but to be sad again. No, depressed. My eyes are starting to tear up again.

I did everything to please everyone while doing the things i love, but I guess it's just never enough for them.

I just wanted to be happy, but now, both of the things that made me the most happy have slipped away.

I might as well just end my life.

But before that, I'm going to call her and tell her how much I love her, she gave me the telephone number that they will be using in Scotland.

I still remember the numbers so I dialed them while closing my eyes. As I push every number on the phone, my desire of ending it all becomes stronger.

I put the phone beside my ear.

"Hello?" a girl's voice says on the phone, and it's definitely not my girlfriend, her voice sounded really masculine, but it's easy to know she's a girl.

Maybe she knows where my girlfriend is so I decided to ask her, "uh, hello, is Bella here?"

"Who's Bella? I'm the only girl who works here..." She said, with assurance.

"I must have dialed the wrong number..." I said with a sigh.

"You okay?" She ask, maybe she can hear my emotions through my voice.

"Don't try to lie to me, I might have a poor eyesight but my ear can tell that you're sad." She adds.

I decided to just be quiet, and not tell her anything, but she continues talking, she might be concerned or just curious.

"Look, if you're sad, just think about the things to be happy or thankful about, like let's say... the moon, or the stars, although I can never see them shining at night because I'm nearsighted, I'm still thankful for them, because they help other people to see in the night. They're like a guiding light kind of thing. What I mean is, whatever you might be going through right now, there's always going to be a starlight to help you make it through the dark night..."

Wow, that was so beautiful, I stayed quiet and suddenly realized, and asked myself, why do I have to end my life because of all this? I guess there would be a better tomorrow for me, my family and my mates, Dom and Chris are my guiding lights, I shouldn't leave them, I love them so I should never hurt them.

I continued being quiet, while wiping my tears, no one ever gave me an advice like that. She was silent too for a few seconds...

"Wait, sorry, I don't know what I'm saying, I suddenly sounded so corny idk why." She said and laughed, her laugh made me smile, cause it was kinda cute.

"No, it's okay, it was... Yeah... Corny but beautiful." I said and chuckled.

"I don't usually give advice to anyone, specially to someone in a party line." She said laughing.

"So this is a party line? Oh.. God, I dialed the wrong number" I said and I laughed, for the first time today.

"Yup, cause I don't think anyone would even join a party line in this time, people have phones already so..." She said while she was giggling.

"I'm actually glad I dialed the party line number instead."

"Why? Who were you really going to dial?"

"My girlfriend, I was supposed to tell her I love her before I..."


"Do something stupid to myself."

unintended (Matt Bellamy Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now