33. Console

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-Matt's POV-

I saw Gaia on the door looking at us, shocked.

Raine tried to pull away from me, but I held her tightly, because I'm not going to let her pretend to another friend that we're not a thing.

Besides, Gaia really needs to see and understand that I am with someone now, and that she should just find another guy because she have waited long enough, and she deserves to be loved too.

"You? And you??!" She said pointing at us.

"No-" Raine was about to deny but I cut her off.

"Yes. Me and Raine. She is the one I've always loved and looked for. I'm sorry Gaia." I said.

"I can't believe this! Did you befriend me to hurt me? Huh? You knew I wanted him, didn't you?"

"No, it's not my intention to hurt you--" Raine tried to explain.

"I do not want to hear shit from your mouth anymore! You are no longer my friend." Gaia said and walked out.

"Let go of me Matt." Raine said and I did

"So, are you going to follow her and deny me again? You think too much about what your friends will say or do, you make yourself a liar because of them, and you make them try to date me. It's like you'd give me away just to not hurt your friends' feelings."

"No, Matt, it's not--"

"Do you find your friends more important than me?"

"No... No. I love you more than anyone... But.."

"But what?"

"I.. I never had friends who actually accepted me holistically, who always helped me without asking for something in return, who would fight for me, that's what Mel has done for me through out the years. I get bullied at school because of my race, my appearance, and my eye condition. But Mel was there, from that time on, I valued every friendship I build with anyone."

"But I can do all of that, now that I'm here, I'll always make sure no one can hurt you. And I accepted you and loved you the moment we met. Don't you value that?"

"Of course I do... i'm sorry if I made you feel like that." She said and hugged me again.

"I'm just gonna go home. I was hoping I could surprise you and have fun with you tonight, but I get this scene." I said getting her arms off my body and walked out of the band room.

I decided to just go tough and distant for now. She needs to at least learn to not think about others before her self. And she needs to see that I'm here with her now. And it kinda hurts seeing her deny me and letting her friend flirt with me.

I saw her muser friend standing outside, I think she heard everything based on her expression.

"How did you... I thought she was..."

"Just ask her... And please accompany her home after the gig." I said and I walked off.

When I was walking at the parking lot looking for my car, I saw Gaia, and she saw me too.

She walked slowly to me, "so, she's the girl you have been looking for?" she asked.

"Yes, she's the one who saved me. Please don't hate her because of this. She never had an idea about you and me."

"Do you really love her?"

"More than anything."

She just looks down and started tearing up so I walked towards her and hugged her.

"Listen, Gaia, you deserve someone who will love you just like how I love Raine. And he will cherish you and never ever hurt you like I always did. You're an amazing, intelligent, beautiful woman, and you don't have to just wait and wait... You deserve your own love story, and me? I'll gladly be one of those people who will tell your future boyfriend how amazing you are. So please, don't cry anymore, and don't get mad on Raine. She values her friendship with you very much." I said softly.

"I'll try..." She said and looked up to me. "Can we kiss for one more time before I stop waiting?"

"I'm sorry, but that would be inappropriate because I'm already in a relationship." I said and just kissed her on the forehead and pulled away.

"Bye Matthew."

"Bye Gaia"

She walked off and I walked to my car, got in and started driving home whilst it starts to rain.

The Next Day

I opened my eyes and sat up. I had a nice sleep since it was raining last night.

I quickly took my phone and checked it and saw 10+ messages from Raine since I didn't look at my phone since I left the bar last night.

I didn't open it and reply, I got up and fixed myself to buy some breakfast.

When I opened the door, I saw Raine sleeping on the bench in front of my house.

Didn't it rained last night?! Although it was shaded, she must have been so cold last night.

I quickly walked towards her and gently tapped her shoulder, "Raine? Raine?" I said and she opened her eyes.

"Matt?" Her sleepy hoarse voice said and she quickly sits up and takes my hand. It's so warm and she didn't look fine. Oh no, she's sick.

"A-are you still mad at me?" She asked whilst looking at me with worry in her eyes.

"Let's just go in, you're cold."

"No Matt, please tell me" she said and when she was about to stand up, she falls so I quickly catched her and carried her in..

"I'm sorry, Matt. Really sorry." She keeps saying weakly

"Why did you have to sleep out there!?" I asked worried.

"I was knocking on your door and t-texting you to let me in and talk to m-me." She said, her voice shaking.

I took her upstairs and laid her on the bed and put a thick blanket on her.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" I asked trying to sound mad but obviously worried.

"I'm sorry. I'm such a pain in the ass f-for you from the very start..."

I just sighed and started caressing her head, "no you're not... I will just make some hot soup and buy some meds for your alright?"

I got out to buy some meds for her and some ingredients to make a nutritious soup for her.

I came back and made her a meal and made her take the meds.

"Aren't y-you going to have your breakfast, Matt?" She asked.

Oh I totally forgot I haven't eaten anything. Now my hunger hits me.

"Are you sure you'll be alright if I go for awhile?" I asked since I was thinking of just buying something

"Of c-course I'll be." She said and tried to smile.

I don't think I should leave her alone right now, so I just took the telephone and ordered something for delivery so I can make sure she'll be alright.

I was supposed to go to the studios today to finish another song with the lads, but I texted them that I'll be busy taking care of Raine because she got sick.

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