19. Revelations

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-Matt's POV-

When I held her hand in the hospital room, I wanted to just pull her to me, hug her, and kiss her, and tell her how much I adore her.

But Chris and Dom came back. Chris then offered me to take Raine somewhere for breakfast, but I had planned to meet up with Gaia and maybe try to work things out with her, and finally tell her that she deserves someone better, and she should not wait for me any longer. Dom is such a dork for calling Gaia my girlfriend although she's not.

When I came to the meeting place, she was not around, she must have left, so I decided to go to the studio and write more stuff to make myself useful, and busy, not just think about Raine all day.

After a few hours of writing stuff, I came back to the hospital to look after Chris with Dom, and Raine was nowhere to be seen.

Same thing happened the next day, Raine was around when I'm at the studio writing stuff, and she's not when I'm visiting Chris.

Now it's Saturday... It has been a few days of not seeing Raine, even a glimpse, our schedule doesn't go well together.

It's 7am and I'm driving my way to the hospital right now, and I've planned to stay with Chris the whole day, so if she visits, I'd see her again.

I'm starting to get the feeling of guilt like I did something bad to her, and now she is avoiding me. I don't know why but it's there.

I arrived at the hospital and looked for Chris's room. I opened the door and got in and saw Chris walking from the bathroom to his bed, yes, walking, he's got better so fast, I'm sure it's because of his motivation to get better for Raine. Chris sees me and smiles.

"Wow, you're an early bird today." He greeted.

"Have you eaten? I got some sandwiches for you." I said, putting the bag on his bedside table.

"Thanks dude. By the way, did you know?"

"Know what?"

"I'm going out today."

"That's awesome man!" I said doing a high five with him.

"I can't believe I got better so fast, thanks to Raine and to you guys." He said and smiled

"No problem man... We'll always be there." I said smiling back at him.

I heard the door opened and finally, I saw Raine again. God, I'm so happy she's alright.

"Hey Raine!" I immediately greeted and walked towards her.

She looked down, "hey." She said and walked towards Chris.

"Uhm, hey Chris, I got you some fruits... Uhm, I'm kind of in a hurry right now, I'm going on an early shift at work. I'll be back later, bye." She said and puts the fruit basket down, hugs Chris and rushes out of the room.

Now I really feel like she's avoiding me, but why? What did I do? Chris and I looked at each other in confusion as she left.

I decided to follow her, "uhm, dude, I'll just get us some drinks...wait for awhile." I said and casually walked out of the room and as soon as I closed the door, I looked around and saw where she is going so I ran towards her whilst she continues to walk.

"Hey! Hey! Raine, wait!" I called out.

She stopped and turned to me, "oh hey Matt." She said and continued walking

"What did I do? Please tell me if I offended or did something to you unintentionally."

"It's nothing, Matt."

"But I feel like there's--"

"I said it's nothing Matt!" She suddenly yelled and started walking away again, I followed her and took her hand to stop her, and I pulled her in to the nearest room I could find because we need to talk this through.

"No, there is absolutely something wrong. Stop avoiding me and let's talk about this, please." I said trying to calm her down.

"You want to talk about this? Okay, fine! Let's talk about this! What do you want to know huh?!"

"Why are you avoiding me? Did I offended you in any way? I'm sorry if I did. Please at least tell me."

"You really want to know? I doubt you even need to, after all you've got a girlfriend so why do you care so much about my feelings?!"

"Because I care!"

"Stop caring! why do I keep on expecting you would feel the same way for me? Why do I keep hurting myself?! Why do I have to be Inlove with you!"


"I'm Inlove with you Matt." She said breaking down in tears. I quickly pulled her to me and hugged her tightly.

"Here you are, comforting me again, why do you have to be like this? Why are you making me fall deeper for you all the time? You're making this hard for me." She said sobbing on my chest.

I put my hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears, "because I have been so Inlove with you too. I was the one you saved on the phone." I admitted.

"...you were?"

"Yes, I was. And I've loved you since. I dream of you every night, I make you my inspiration in everything I do. You are my muse."

"I can't believe it was all you." She said looking up at me tearfully.

"Now, please stop crying and don't scare me like that."

"I was trying to forget my feelings for you since you have a girlfriend, and I am with Chris."

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh.. but I'm still with Chris, and I tried to tell him but he doesn't let me. When he gets better, I'll tell him so that I would not hurt him any further."

"Alright. Now stop crying. Please, I never want to see you crying again because of me."

"As you say, Matt" she said and started wiping her tears. I touched her cheeks again and made her look up to me.

"I love you, my muse" I mouthed those words I've been dying to tell her.

"I love you too" she answered with a smile.

I slowly moved closer and closer, my lips inching off hers and I kissed her, she kissed back. We started kissing passionately.

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