17. Exposing

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-Matt's POV-

Raine got into the room to check on Chris and she stayed there for an hour.

Dom was knocked out on the chair with me, poor dude. So I came to my car and took my sleeping bag, yup, I always have that for some reason, then offered it to him. He couldn't refuse, he quickly drifted off the moment he laid on it.

Then I decided to go in to Chris's room to check on them, and when I got in, she was leaning on the chair and yawning. She looks tired.

"Hey, you sleepy? I could get you a room because Dom is already using my sleeping bag." I offered.

She quickly fixes her posture when she hears me. "No, it's alright. Chris has to wake up with someone with him to assist him." She said fixing her messy hair.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll stay here then, you go home and rest."

"No, no, you should rest. I don't want you getting tired... Or Dom... So you guys should rest."

"Okay, let's just stay here." I sat beside her on the hard couch, yup, they didn't even get us a soft sofa, but anywhere feels like heaven when I'm near her.

Then she leaned her head on the arm of the couch, which has no foam, so it would hurt her head, so I gently pulled her head up and leaned it on my shoulder.

"Thank you Matt." She mumbled sleepily.

"Always welcome." I softly said, "goodnight." I added and smiled.

"Goodnight." She mumbles, finally closing her eyes.

"I love you." I murmured

"Love you too." She answered, and I'm not expecting anything from that, maybe it's a friendly "I love you" which she thought is what I meant.

The next day.

I woke up leaning on Raine's head which is leaning on my shoulder. I have to say, that was the best sleep I had whilst sitting down.

I saw Chris was up, with Dom already assisting him.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Dom greets me smirking.

"Morning Matt." Chris said and smiled.

"How's your leg?" I asked scratching my eyes but not moving too much cause Raine is still leaning on my shoulder.

"I feel better now, knowing you all are around. Thank you." He said and smiled.

I just nodded and smiled back.

"Uhm Matt, could you get Raine to lay in here? So she can continue her sleep with more comfort?" Chris asked.

"Oh, sure..." I said and gently held her head off my shoulder and picked her up bridal style and carried her to Chris's bed and Chris moves a little to make space for her and covers her with a blanket and kissed her forehead. He's so protective and caring. She deserves a guy like him, but she was not happy because she's into someone. I feel bad for Chris and for her.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Chris asked cause he probably see that I'm staring at her.

"She's cute." I said, trying not to sound too amazed.

"Oh yeah, cute as well. Her face is so innocent and so baby like, I get lost in her smile all the time." Chris said

"But when she speaks, she sounds more masculine than me." Dom jokes.

"Yup. One of the things I like about her. Back in college, she usually watches our football practice and one time, I heard a guy with high pitch shouting "you got it Wolstenholme!" them when I turnef towards the direction it's coming from, turns out it was her" Chris narrated and we giggled.

"It's different, absolutely. But that makes her stand out." Dom said, "but don't worry Chris, because she's definitely not my type. I'm into girly sounding girls.' Dom added and Chris glares at Dom and playfully hits him and we laughed quietly.

The three of us continued our chitchat whilst she sleep, I guess she's a heavy sleeper because she was not even bothered by us talking but of course we still keep our voices down.

Chris asked Dom to take him somewhere and carry him around because he was getting bored in the room, and he asked me to stay with Raine...

I wouldn't mind that...

I was just staring at her because I cannot not stare at her.

I stood up from where I'm seated and I sat on the bed with her, then I slowly reach out my hand, making my way to touch her chubby cheek.

She slowly opens her eyes, a really small opening that is. She reaches out and touches my cheek as well, that's odd. And she started murmuring some gibberish words, she must be dreaming so I giggled.

"Love you..."


"I love you..." She said and it gave me chills as if she really meant to say that to me. I can't help but to smile.

She repeated those three beautiful words a couple of times until she closed her eyes again so I gently took her hand off my cheek and put it on her stomach.

I'm still smiling at the fact that she said "I love you" to me whilst dreaming, but the thought that she might be dreaming about that someone else she likes popped into my mind so my smile fades.

She suddenly opened her eyes again and she sat up so she must really be awake by now. She looks around and sees me.

"Morning... Matt" she said and smiled lazily.

"Good morning beautiful..." I said trying to sound casual, she giggled.

"That's a great start for me, thanks Matt." She said, getting off the bed and doing some stretches.

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"I am, but I don't usually like to eat when I just woke up, I'll do some other stuff first." She explained.

"How about we cuddle?" I absentmindedly said



Shit, what am I saying.

"Uh I mean... I like to cuddle with my toy or my pillow when I just woke up, you might like that too." I explained nervously.

"I haven't tried cuddling with anything cause I don't have a toy to cuddle with so." She said sitting on the bed.

"Aww...." I reacted and I sat on the bed with her.

I want to hug her and kiss her and just tell her I love her, it's hard to hide these feelings, specially when she's this close to me.

She turned to look at me and again, we have an intense eye contact. She's really looking at me closely.

"Uhm Raine... If I... Uhm... If I met you first and asked you out before Chris did... Would you... Would you say yes?"

I don't care anymore, I had to ask this and see her reaction.

She stayed quiet for a few seconds... Oh goodness, I must have freaked her out.

"I mean I was just--"

"Of course I would"

Those words fueled me.

She decides to cut the eye contact and when she was about to stand up, I took her hand and held it tightly, while looking up at her, begging her to stay with me for awhile.

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