18. Feelings

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-Raine's POV-

"Of course I would."

Those words, I finally said to the man I love.

I can't believe he would even ask me that question, I don't know if I should be happy or not.

No... I really need to get out of their lives. I would just hurt Chris and maybe even hurt Matt.

So I decided to cut the eye contact, and when I was about to get off the bed, he held my hand real tight.

I feel the shivers down my spine as he held my hand, I never wanted him to let me go. I hold his hand back if that makes sense, while he was looking up at me with his blue eyes, it melts me.

Then we heard the door open and we had to let go.

"Good morning babe." Chris said while sitting in the wheelchair.

"Hey... Uh.. a-are you better now?" I asked

"Absolutely. Thank you for taking care of me last night." He said making his way to me.

"Of course..." I said and nodded, feeling guilty again.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked

"Of course I am... I... Uhm... I just feel hungry."

"Then go and get some bite with Matt" Chris said.

"I couldn't, I kind of need to meet someone today." Matt said.

"Who? The Italian one?" Chris asked and Matt nodded.

"Wow, finally. Good choice Matt." Dom said nodding in approval.

Who is it? Is it a girl? Wait, why should I care if that's a girl?

I really wanted to ask them who he or she is, but I feel like I don't even have the right.

"It's Matt's girlfriend." Dom said because be must have noticed in my facial reaction that I'm confused and curious.

So, Matt has a girlfriend.

Hearing that sentence felt like a stab in my heart. A thousand stabs.

I was right I didn't choose my feelings for Matt. But I'm still wrong with what I have with Chris now because I don't love him and I still have to tell him the truth the moment he gets better.

"I'm going now guys... I'll see you later." Matt said and left the room.

"Uhm, I'll... I'll get something to eat. I'll be back in awhile. Dom, please stay for a little long" I asked

"No worries, I have a whole day and 57 more years to stay with Chris..." Dom said jokingly and we chuckled.

"Thank you" I said and also left the room.

I started walking and walking while looking down for a few minutes. I actually don't know where to go.

I looked up and saw that there's a garden nearby outside the hospital. I didn't even realized I'm outside now. Good thing I didn't bump into anything or anyone.

I sat on the bench and saw a pretty girl sitting there too. When she saw me sit she stared at me for a moment.

"perché stai piangendo?" She said, she sounded Spanish.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"Oh.. sorry... I forget to speak English." She said and smiled awkwardly.

"That's okay, I guess." I absentmindedly said.

"So, why is you in tears?

"I am in tears?" I touched my cheek and it had tears, God I didn't realize that.

"Uh, I think it's because of the guy I like. He already likes someone, no, he already is in a relationship with someone." I said with a sigh.

"Oh... You know, me also. I am love with a guy, but he is love with a someone else. He and I supposed to meet here right now, I wait for him, but he did not show."

"Who would not show up to a meet up with a pretty girl like you?"

"Well he just do so."

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry also sis..." She said and took my hand.

I smiled at how kind and concerned she is. Well, both of us have the same dilemma.

"You want to have a pizza?" She offered

"Oh, uhm no thanks..." I said shyly

"Nah, dear. You not be shy. We have same problems, to me that make us sisters."

"Aww, alright then. I haven't had breakfast yet anyways." I said and wiped my tears.

"I'm Raine... You are?"

"Gaia. Nice to meet you Raine" she said offering her hand and I gladly took it.

We talked while walking and looking for a pizza house. It was really nice talking with her, I guess I might have found myself a friend outside of work.

We found a pizza house and had some goodies while we continue to talk and laugh with each other.

"Wait, wait, how is my English?" She asked

"Oh, it's good." I said although I couldn't understand some of her words sometimes.

"Thank you, but I'm still learning and learning. Maybe if I learn that, he would learn to love me."

"Aww, forget about that guy, you deserve someone better than him"

"But, he is so charming, and caring, I can not resist him. And he is so good in music."

"Oh, yeah, musicians are a big turn on for me as well. But again there are many other Musicians that deserves your love. I'm a musician myself and If I was a man, I'd probably date you, and make you happy."

"Aww sis. That is sweet. Wait, can I watch you performance?"

"Of course, but I doubt you like rock music"

"Oh, I do. The guy I like play the music same to you"

"Oh, nice. What are your favorite bands?" I asked her smiling

"Do you know Muse?"

"Uh... Of course... Muse are great" I said my smile fading.

"I love Muse, most I love is Matt the singer."

Great, another Muse fan. Why can't I go anywhere without hearing Muse and Matt. When I go to work there's Melissa, and now there's Gaia.

"My favorite band is...uhm...uh... Guns n Roses. Do you know Sweet Child O Mine? That's their most famous song." I said, hoping to get the topic off Muse.

"Well, I hear it... Hey! You should check out the album of Muse. That will make you like them sure." She might have thought I don't like them.

"They are great. New Born is great." Although I never heard much of it but Melissa talks about it a lot.

She nodded and smiled and we finished eating after some time and left the place.

We walked back to the garden where she is parked. I sat on the bench and waved at her when she made her way to her car.

"Bye Gaia! I guess..." I said and I saw her suddenly walking back to me with something ik one hand.

"Here, listen to this. I'll see you again. Bye bye" She said handing me an album, named Showbiz, by... You guessed it, Muse. Then she ran back to her car and got in and drove while I wave good bye at her.

I smiled to myself when she left.

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