22. Acceptance

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-Raine's POV-

I think something is wrong with Chris but he's refusing to tell his family or me or the lads so when he said that he's going to the balcony, I decided to follow him and have a talk.

"Uh, c-Chris, are you... alright?" I asked, concerned.

He doesn't say anything to me for a few minutes, he just continued staring at a distance.

"I don't think you want to talk right now, I respect that and I'm sorry." I said and slowly makes my way to the balcony door.

"Do you still like me like back in college?" He said suddenly

I turned to face him, "what?" I asked, realizing he might have heard me and Matt downstairs. I knew it would come to this.

"Do you still like me? Please tell the truth, I won't cut you off."

"I'm sorry..." I said starting to tear up.

And he starts crying too, now I officially did hurt his feelings, that's the last thing I want to do to him. But I really have to be honest to him.

"It's partly my fault, I didn't let you talk." He said.

"No it was mine, I said those words absentmindedly without thinking you were the one in front of me."

"That's right, I have always been in front of you, why can't you just love me? I... I can take care of you like Matt does, even more than he would... I loved you, so deeply I got motivated to get better quickly so you and I could go on a date, that's what I've been planning... But now, it couldn't happen, could it?"

"I'm so sorry." I said sobbing.

The both of us cried quietly for a lot of minutes, he cries in anger and I cry in guilt.

"Those three words you told me were the most beautiful thing I've heard, but then, finding out it was for my best friend makes it the most hurtful thing."

I just continued crying.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You had the time when we were at the hospital."

"I couldn't. you...you needed to get better... I promised myself to make sure you get better before I tell you everything. I'm sorry. So sorry."

He stayed quiet for awhile.

After a while of crying and silence, he finally turns to me and he started walking towards me and when he's inches off me, he stopped.

"I'm setting you free..." I suddenly heard his voice


"I couldn't live with myself knowing the girl I love sacrificed her happiness for mine, you being unhappy is the last thing I want to happen."

Damn... Did he actually say those words? Am I dreaming? I could not believe this...

I looked up to him, wanting to hug him but I feel like I don't have the right.

He puts his hand on my cheeks and wipes my tears, "could I kiss you for one last time?" He said and he leans in and his lips touches mine, I felt his pain.

After a few seconds, he pulls away and walks in to the house. I just stayed there for awhile.


-Matt's POV-

Chris walked in and saw Dom asleep on the couch, with me just sitting there.

"Chris?" I said and looked up as soon as I heard his footsteps approaching.

I was worried about him, because of the way he acted at dinner the whole time.

"I am better now, knowing the girl I love could finally be happy." He suddenly said.


"Please take care of Raine."

What? He already broke up with Raine? And he's allowing me to be with her?

"You...what... what's..." i stuttered in disbelief with what I just heard.

"But if you screw up and hurt her feelings, I will take her away from you and never let you get 7 meters close to her." He said and smiled.

I had to stand up and hug him.

"You don't know how happy this makes me." I said patting his back whilst we hug then we pulled away.

"Go out there and get her." He said and smiled again, pushing me towards the direction of the balcony, there's definitely a bit of force there..

I opened the balcony door and Raine turned as soon as she heard the door being opened and the shock was in her face when she saw me.

I ran to her and hugged her so tightly whilst smiling, and we hugged for awhile and pulled away.

"I hope Chris is okay." Raine mumbled, looking out.

"Me too." I said, hugging her from behind.

I hope Chris really meant this and he doesn't do stuff to himself, cause he might have smiled at me, but this could be hurting him inside. Yes, it would be hurting him inside.

I will always make sure Chris is okay, I have to keep watch on him.

I can't believe me and Raine could be together now, and I can't believe Chris would give her up for me.

I'll make sure to treasure this relationship and never let this break in any way, knowing there is a sacrifice of love and acceptance involved in it.

"I love you so much Raine." I told her, and this time, it's loud and clear with no guilt and fear.

"I love you too, Matt."

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