10. Unknowingly

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-Raine's POV-

I got home and prepared for work. Suddenly, I felt pressured to wear good clothes, although I usually wear plain shirts, today, I wanna wear something different...

Wait, why am I thinking about what to wear? I'm not even going to a date for crying out loud.

Besides, I got no girly stuff to wear like dresses or high heels or anything pink, my clothes only consists of three categories, dark tshirts, pants/shorts, and bandshirts.

Okay, I'll just wear a red tee, but I'm not wearing it to be attractive or something.

I walked to work and I saw Matt's car parking and I saw him getting out...

Wow, he looks so attractive even with sunglasses and snapback on. Wait, he might be your brother Raine so shut up you sicko.

When he was going to open the door, I ran and quickly opened the door and called out his name and invited him in with me.

I pulled out a chair for him and made him sit, and I saw him smiling, what a cute smile, that would really light up my day. Then I got to the kitchen.

"You're late." James said in a strict tone.

"I was drunk. And I stayed at a friend's house."

"Oh really? Just a friend? He cares for you too much, that doesn't look like a friend to me."

"Hey, he was just taking care of me because I'm his band mate's... Wait why am I explaining myself to you? You're not my mother." I said and proceeded to make the spaghetti I promised.

"Why are you making three orders of that?" James asked suspiciously

"I'm giving someone a treat. Don't worry, I'll pay for all of these. And please get on with your shift and stop picking on me." I said out of annoyance.

He asks too much when a guy gets close to me, yes we're best friends but he's acting like a father and it's driving me crazy.

I finished preparing the food and carried them to Matt's table. He was still smiling, I can't help but to smile too.

"If you need more than that, just say so, remember, all my salary for this week is yours. And if you need anything, just ask and I'll give it to you" I said smiling as I watch him eat.

There's something about this guy that magnets me if that makes sense.

"Won't you join me?" He asked

"I couldn't" i refused because I shouldn't eat my lunch food, that's for my dinner later.

"I thought you would give me anything I need? I need you." He said

What? He needs me? That gave me chills and shivers, I wanna hear that again but I shouldn't.

"I need you to eat with me, it's boring and sad to eat alone."

I hesitantly took my lunch box from the staff quarters and brought it there and sat with him.

"You shouldn't eat that, I'll order something for you." He said and I was about to say something but he called Mel and asked for the menu.

"Wow, who is he Raine?" She asked, not recognizing him. That's weird.

He suddenly took my hand and squeezed it, that made me nervous, and weak, and freeze. I really feel something about this guy every time our skin meet.

"I'm her friend and she promised to treat me here and I decided to treat her as well."

Mel leaned in and whispered something to him, I can hear she told him I like double dutch ice cream, then he made his order for me.

"Carbonara with extra mushroom and bacon and a cup of double dutch ice cream."

How does he know I love carbonara with extra mushroom and bacon? We just met and I really feel like he knows me.

I was still frozen and speechless, while staring at him. What if he really is connected to me? What if he is my brother? I shouldn't feel all blushy and have butterflies when we meet, he could be my brother.

I need to ask him his father's name. If it's Thomas Bellamy then case closed. He is my brother. Cause I really feel a connection with him.

"So, uhm, do you have any siblings?" I asked

"Oh only one brother, Paul."

"Oh, I don't have any." I said

"Oh that's sad but happy, cause of course you want someone to play with or talk to or to lean on when friends or parents are hard to find, but as a child and he gets the better toy or he tells your parents that you messed up although it's all him, that sucks." He said and laughed.

"Aww... What does your parents do about it when they found out it was him?" I asked

"Well, he gets what he deserves, mom would scold him to death."

"How about your dad?"

"He's busy, he usually comes home after the scene. Carrying a bucket of KFC chicken to calm our nerves, then he saves the day."

"Your dad is a pretty sweet father, now I know where you got your sweetness." I said smiling.

"You think I'm sweet?" He asked smiling.

"Yup, and very caring. Well, that's all you did to me in the short time we hung out."

"Well I usually act like this around..."

"Here's your order for my lovely friend, Raine." Melissa suddenly stepping in and puting a flawless plate of carbonara in front of me and a cup of double dutch ice cream.

"Thank you. " Matt said and smiled.

"Thanks for this, Matt. You're so generous."

"Nah, if you get to know me, I'm not generous, specially with spaghetti." He said looking down at his second plate of spaghetti.

"I won't dare to take some from your plate. I might not see the light of day after that." I said and we both laughed.

"Hmm... Good to know that things are clear." He said giggling.

His laughs and giggles are the most precious things I've heard today. Wait I need to ask him about his dad!

"So I wanted to ask... Cause you kinda look familiar, what's your dad's name?" I asked

"Oh, George Bellamy."

What? George Bellamy the musician? That couldn't be further from my dad. Wow, I should be sad that he's not my brother, but I'm relieved.

"That's why you looked familiar. Wow. You really came from a family of musicians didn't you? Maybe that's why you're that talented, as my friend showed me some of your music videos." I said.

"I don't think I'm that talented. I just love what I'm doing and it comes out on my work."

"Bro, you are talented. I saw you playing piano and guitar skillfully. I could never do it that good."

"Don't lie to me, I was in your gig and you were owning the stage last night. You play guitar pretty well and your voice is amazing. You can't deny that."

No one ever praised my voice, maybe my guitar playing, but not my voice. I feel flattered getting a praise from such a talented musician like him.

I couldn't stop smiling, and I'm really feeling butterflies now, and I'm not regretting them knowing he's not my brother.

"You really got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, I couldn't help but to smile every time I see it. It's contagious." He said.

We finished eating and I had the best talk ever since that guy on the phone. I should really forget about that guy.

And I think I have to tell Chris to not ask me out again, but I don't want to hurt him. I need to find a way on how to tell him.

Matt and I said our goodbyes and I continued with my shift, with a smile not leaving my face the whole shift untill the closing time.

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