Chapter Two

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6 years later.

Cole POV

I still wasn't Blue Moons Alpha. My Father, Alpha Jonathan refused to let me take charge. He said a Wolf could only be strong to be an Alpha with a Mate, a Luna by his side. They began to think I would never find mine. Only my brother Jace and his mate, Elena, knew the truth about what happened six years ago. He was the only one I told, and of course he couldn't keep secrets from his mate when he met her three years ago, not that I could blame him. He got a good one. Unlike me. It still bothered me that Kara didn't give us a chance.

Father was beginning to train Jace to be the next Alpha. "Just in case" I didn't find my mate. Jace was against it. He didn't want Alpha Duties. All he wanted was to become a doctor in the pack hospital, and honestly, I thanked him for it. I wouldn't want to fight my brother over being Alpha.

We were in the Pack House Library finishing some research Father made us do on the mate bond. He said that way I would understand how important it was to find my mate. I just felt angered.

-What if you just get yourself a chosen mate? - Jace suggested.

-There's no one I would choose - I said honestly.

-Not even Anne? - Jace Asked. Anne was my fuck buddy. She was a good friend of mine before I left to train and about a year ago we just started fucking. No strings attached. I was clear on that part with her.

-Not even her. - I told him. Sure she was hot, and gave good blow jobs, but I couldn't see her as a Luna.

-Maybe you could do a pack tour? Have a second chance mate? - He kept talking. I know he just wanted to help but we've been through this many times. Moon Goddess rarely gave second chance mates. And usually, they only happened if your mate died. Not if you weren't good enough for them.

- I'm sure that's the real reason father just has to meet every pack in the country to make treaties and take me along with him. - I say humorlessly. I couldn't bring myself to tell him about Kara. He would call me a coward for not fighting for her.

-Well, that and inviting them over - He says smiling. - Today all the packs start arriving for his birthday - Jace says. And I knew that his only birthday wish was for me to find a Mate.

"The Silver Moon Pack Arrived" we hear through the pack Link. That was Liam's pack. I hadn't seen him since he found his luna and invited us to his ceremony. That Lucky bastard.

- Let's go - I tell Jace and we leave the books on the table. Not bothering to put them back in place.

-Cole! - Liam greets me and hugs me. He's always been a hugger.

-Long time Alpha Liam - I say. He catches my sourness in the Alpha part, but doesn't say anything. He knows I don't have a Mate.

-Good to see you Cole, though I hoped you would be a little less sour. - His mate, Beth joins. She doesn't like my attitude. Never has.

-Well, you're not helping with your sweetness - I tell her sarcastically. She might be sweet to Liam, but the rest of the world would never know.

-Are we the first ones? - Liam Asks. He hates that I don't get along with his mate. - I didn't see other vehicles when we parked.

-Yeah, you're the lucky ones who'll help set the buffet - I tell him laughing.

-Great! - he says - Lead the way.

I hated his good humor and I knew that it was just my bitterness for not having a mate. They knew too, and tried to cope with me.

After setting the buffet tables with dishes and what not. The other packs started arriving and my father turned to see me every time a young unmated she wolf was introduced. Tough luck, Father I think to myself as another Alpha and Luna made their way to us to congratulate my Father.

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