Chapter Four

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Cole POV

Alpha Asher had left the Luna alone all day. We were having dinner and Father kept saying it was wrong through our link, because their pack member Beckett was having dinner with us. He was second guessing the alliance we would go through. I didn't know what to think of that because I didn't like Asher at all, but Mikaela was another story. I knew I liked her. But I also knew I shouldn't.

"What do you think Cole? " Asked My Father through our link.

"Well, we've only known him for a couple of days. Maybe tomorrow we'll get a better idea on his character." I told him. It was the overall idea of the week. That's why he and the Luna would be staying so long, so we could judge the convenience of this possible alliance.

"I don't think he'll prove to be better" thought Elena.

"Why do you say that?" Asked my mother, Luna Iris.

"I spoke to Luna Mikaela today... she told me Asher was usually drunk." I had to fight a growl from coming out. Asher was a drunk?

"Are you sure it wasn't just in yesterday's festivities?" Inquired my Father.

"It didn't seem like it.", Elena

"But he was the only one who got drunk." Said Jace.

"I also found that strange" Said my mother.

"Mikaela told me he brought wolfsbane." Elena again.

"That's unfortunate" My Father said. "But Cole is right. We shall see tomorrow."

An Omega came from the direction of the bedrooms.

- Dinner was delivered to Alpha Asher and Luna Mikaela as you asked Miss Elena. – She said before walking to the kitchen.

- Is Alpha Asher usually undisposed for dinner? – My mother asked Beckett.

- Yesterday was the first festivity since we were attacked three months ago. He's still getting a grip on everything. – Said Beckett.

- Ah, the attack. We are truly sorry Alpha Robert couldn't survive. – My father said.

- Luna Mikaela was devastated. She already lost her mother when she was a child. She had been away for college and hadn't seen her father as much as she wanted. – I didn't know she was in college. All though learning she was Alpha's Robert's daughter was also surprising to me. I thought she was Luna through Asher. But now I know Asher was Alpha through her.

- Good thing she had Asher to help her through this hard time – Said my mother. I internally frowned at this.

- Yeah. He did. – Becket gritted. Was he angry? His expression changed and he excused himself faster than I thought was possible and ran off towards the guests' bedrooms. I could hear he was knocking on Asher and Mikaela's room. Did they call for him?

I was already overthinking my attraction towards Mikaela and know I knew why her eyes were so sad. She had just lost her father. She didn't need a stranger to make a move on her. She had a mate for the love of the moon goddess!

- I'm finished, I'll go out for a run – I announced. My wolf has been begging to come out since yesterday. I was finally letting him run.

I went out the back and stripped while I walked to the woods. I placed my clothes next to a tree and made a run for it. I jumped and turned mid-air. I loved doing that and landing on my paws.

It felt good to have my brown fur emerging. All though I wish I had a cooler color of fur. Why did my hair have to be brown?

I directed my wolf to the small lake a few miles away. It was my favorite spot. Maybe I could swim for a while. My wolf doesn't usually swim, it would be refreshing.

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