Chapter Twelve

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Cole POV

I wake up before my alarm. I open my eyes and turn to stare at the ceiling for a moment while stretching in my bed. Today Mikaela leaves, with her mate and a witch that'll help her move forward in her relationship.

Move forward. I repeat in my head.

That's what I needed too.

I get up, stretching some more and take my phone from the bedside table. I dial Liam's number.

- Cole? – He answers after the second ring.

- Liam, how are you? – I ask him.

- Just getting back on track. Anne is adjusting fine.

- That's not why I called.

- It isn't?

- No, I need a favor.

- Shoot.

- I need to talk to someone in your pack. Can you arrange it?

- I'm gonna need details. – He tells me. Curiosity in his voice.

- And I'll tell you everything, but for now this needs to stay between you and me.

- I'm getting worried here.

- And I mean it, you cannot tell Beth.

- If it's this serious you need to tell me what it's about. It involves a member of my pack after all... Has someone wronged you or a member from Blue Moon? – He is getting too worried. But in a way, I was wronged six years ago.

- I'd rather tell you in person after I settle what I need. – I tell him. – Can you arrange so the person is there when I get to your pack?

- Fine. But, I'm gonna need a name. It'll be too hard to hold accounts on every single pack member.

He was right. I didn't want to tell him yet, but I had to, for my trip to be worth it.

- Kara Bedingfield. – I say.

- Ethan's Sister. – He says. Right. I forget Kara is the Beta's sister. – Can I get any information in advance?

- I don't want to talk about it over the phone. – I say.

- All right. I trust you know what you're doing.

- Don't tell her I want to talk to her. – I think about how every time I go to Liam's pack she's always away for some reason.

- Surprise ambush. – He laughs.

- Something like that.

- Consider it done.

- Thanks Liam, I owe you. – I was relieved he didn't question further yet. But I know he would do so when we met in person.

- When should I expect you?

- I'll book a flight when we hang up. And let you know.

- So soon? – there's a bit of surprise in his voice.

- Actually, I waited too long. – I admit. Six years to be exact.

- I expect a good explanation. For now, I'll let you get to it.

- Thanks Bro

- No big deal... yet.

I laugh and we hang up. I book a flight for this evening. I would arrive around midnight at the airport near his pack. He would have to pick me up. I texted him the details and he confirmed he'd personally pick me up tonight.

Finally, I would face my past.

After showering and shaving, I go to get some breakfast. My family is already seated, only Crescent Moon and Scarlett aren't here yet.

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