Chapter seven

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Mikaela POV

As I walked with Asher towards the bedroom. I wanted an excuse to leave him. I would not go in there with him. He could not make me.

- I'm gonna get some water - I say and run to the kitchen. He doesn't follow.

"I don't give a fuck." - He says. I hear him lock the door to our bedroom. At least he knows I'm not gonna go with him.

Instead of going to the kitchen. I go towards the library. I think I remember the way. It's on the second floor. I walk trying to remember the path and I do. I'm happy to know they don't lock it. Before I reached for the door, a sharp pain comes through me. That bastard had a whore waiting for him in our room!

I can't let anyone see me in pain. I need to leave. I use all my speed to run down the stairs and out the front door. People usually hang by the back. I don't stop until I enter the woods, where I take off my shoes and my clothes. My wolf would help me get through this. A wave of pain reaches me and I fall to the ground. As I lay there, I shift. My wolf wants to whimper, but I stop her. We are strong and we'll get through this. I get up but I'm not sure which way to hide, so I just run south.

As I run, the pain doesn't stop. It seems to back down a little, so I stop to catch my breath. I smell it again. Lemons and mint.

Shit. Cole is nearby. I can't let him see me like this. I run the opposite direction and find a small stream. I get in. It's not deep, the water barely covers my paws, but it will hide my scent if he finds me. I look at the stars and make a mental note on where I am. I don't want to get lost. I start walking up the stream. And not too much after, there's a small waterfall. Almost four feet tall. I crouch inside it so it can hide my wolf along with my scent. I focus on the streams' noise to forget my pain. Somehow it works, because tonight, it's not that bad. In less than an hour the pain stops completely. Good. I can go back to the pack house.

"Beckett? Are you awake?" I reach for Beckett through the link.

"Yes Luna ", he always answers so simply.

"Is it safe to go back?"

"Well, I don't hear noise in the halls, but you should wait. I'll go have a look."


Asher and whichever whore he had tonight must have made noise again. I didn't want people to know I was being cheated. I'd rather let them think I was the one making the noise with him.

I felt disgusted with myself. It wasn't right.

Small tears fell from my eyes. And I sobbed until I could no more.

"I think you're good." Beckett said in my mind. "My window is open."

I thanked him and returned to the pack house. I was happy Beckett always had my back. The day I'd lose him to his mate would surely suck.

I found my way back easily and also my clothes and shoes. I got dressed but held my shoes in my hands. I wasn't in the mood for platforms.

I squinted my eyes to see if anyone was around and found no one. So, I swiftly ran to Beckett's window and crept in.

"That didn't take long" He said through our link.

"I'm good at guiding myself" I said proudly.

"I know that."

He stepped closer to me and hugged me. He knew what Asher did tonight. But I didn't cry. I had already done so in the forest. Now I am better. But I loved hugs. And Beck had the perfect hugging arms.

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