Chapter Twenty Seven

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Cole POV

I look at Mikaela's face as I'm sitting in the chair next to her bed. I hold her hand in mine, it's not warm enough to keep me calm. Scarlett told me I had to be calm, so that she could feel my calm energy. But it's very difficult seeing her like this. The electricity that her touch gave me days ago is almost gone. Sometimes I think it's truly gone and that when I'm feeling something, it's only my wishful thinking. If her wolf never comes back... she won't be allowed to stay in wolf territory. She'll have to live with humans. I don't know what happens to mates that lose their wolf. I suppose she wouldn't be my mate anymore, but I still care for her, even now that I can't feel the bond as strongly as I used to, I want her to live.

Maybe her losing her wolf is for the best. My pack will not accept her as their Luna. It pains me to acknowledge that I wouldn't either in their place. She lost her pack to a rogue. Everyone will think she'll weaken me, instead of strengthening me through the bond.

But I don't want that. I want her to live, and to get her wolf back. I'm terrified of what's to come. I mean, why would the Moon Goddess give me a second chance mate, just to take her away from me? I refuse to believe she's that cruel. Nothing really makes sense; my head is now aching thinking about all of this. I need to focus and calm down. Scar told me my energy is vital for Mikaela's recovery.

I hear the machines next to Mikaela speed up their rhythmic beeping, I think it's her heart rate. I press the button the nurses told me would call them if anything happened. And I grasp Mikaela's hand tighter. I stand up and cup her face with my other hand as I whisper her name in fear of what this could mean.

The nurses come in, followed by Dr. Benson, who asks me to step back, but not too far.

- Don't let go of her hand. – Dr. Benson says. I can only imagine Scarlett mentioned the bond. And I wonder how Scarlett knew about it. I know she basically knows everything, but still. It's a one-way bond, Mikaela doesn't feel it... does my presence really help her?

- Physically she's fine. We can't give her any kind of tranquilizer anymore. She's gonna have to pull through on her own. – Dr. Benson tells me before he leaves.

I'm completely frustrated right now. All I can do is literally hold her hand and it pains me to only do that. My wolf is also frustrated by all of this.

- Please Mikaela, please wake up. – I whisper to her. I hold her hand with both my hands now, and rest my forehead on top of them, praying to the moon goddess to let her live.

I start to doze off as I sit next to her, hours pass by like this until Jace shows up.

- Cole, you need to go shower. – His voice startles me.

- You know I can't leave her. – I say.

- You need to be strong and healthy for your wolf to be able to help hers. In your state you're not helping much. – He says. – Our parents are also starting to wonder why you're out there, taking care of everything. You need to tell them the truth or stop spending so much time here.

- You can handle my parents. – I say. Because I know he can.

- But I can't handle Elena. – He tells me. I also know that's not true.

- You haven't told her? – I ask.

- It's challenging for me to keep secrets from Elena, but if she knows, our mother will too. And the two of them can't keep a secret... I'm not saying your second chance mate should be a secret, it's just that, given the circumstances, you need to be careful on your announcement. – Jace answers me.

- Tell me Jace, where are we standing? – I ask.

- Let's talk in your office after you shower. – He tells me. There's a chance Mikaela could be hearing everything around her, I suppose she shouldn't hear what Jace has to tell me.

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