Chapter Twenty Two

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Cole POV

I wake up before my alarm, to the tingling feeling of Mikaela in my arms. Last night, she fell asleep while I was holding her. I'm never going to get tired of the feeling of electricity I get when I touch her. I wonder if she feels it at a small level. I suppose I'll ask her one day. Because this is how I want to wake up for the rest of my life.

I look at her face, her small perfect nose, her pink full lips, the little freckles on her nose and cheeks that I had not noticed before. Her perfect eyebrows. She is so fucking beautiful, I'm glad the Moon Goddess put her in my path.

Not before long, the alarm goes on. And Mikaela opens her blue eyes, blinking away her sleep.

I get lost in her eyes as soon as she opens them, so I put the alarm out without taking my eyes away from her. Her eyes are a kind of blue I only thought real in paintings. Without thinking I lean into her and kiss her lips. She kisses me back and I don't want to part.

I feel her soft lips and feel the need to be closer to her. She parts her lips and caresses my tongue with hers so softly, I feel I'm floating... until a second alarm goes on.

- I should get ready to leave. – Mikaela says.

- I know, you're right. – I say, leaning back away from her.

I was living in a little piece of heaven and let myself forget we were going into battle tomorrow.

She left my bedroom, and it took all my self-control to let her walk away.

"Don't let our mate go. She must stay with us." My wolf pleads.

"Not now. We have a battle to get ready for." I tell him. "And our mate is an Alpha, remember?"

We felt proud of that.

I got in the shower knowing I had to wash Mikaela's scent off, even if I did not want to. If word got out, we were together before she announces her broken bond, her reputation would be ruined, her ethics questioned, and over all her ability as an Alpha and a member of the werewolf community would be ridiculed.

And because of all those things, my pack would not want such a Luna. I don't think she needs to go through that, she's already been through so much. It physically pains me that I'm not able to claim her just yet.

Once I was sure her scent was off, I got dressed and headed to the front bay outside. My parents were already there, with Tom, Jace, Marcus, Alpha Ulrich and Gunther. Only Mikaela and Christopher were not here yet.

"Did you sleep in Cole?" My father Linked. "As future Alpha you're late."

I can't tell him why I was late. So, I decide not to answer. He'll think I did sleep in.

After a couple of minutes, Mikaela showed up followed by Christopher and I swear I felt Marcus's eyes drill a hole on the side of my head. Could he catch my scent on Mikaela?

I don't think anyone else reacted in any way, so I think no one else noticed as we said our goodbyes and wished each other the best before the upcoming battle.

After the morning training was over, I met with my pack's squad leaders to orchestrate tomorrow's plan. It was a simple plan. Four squads of ten Warriors each. Two front and two in the back. I would lead one in the front and my father would lead the other. The ones in the back were to be taken by Jace and Mark. Thomas would be with twenty warriors in human form, waiting in the human town. Just in case.

As we exited the library, Jace came up to me.

- Okay, tell me. – He said.

- Tell you what? – I asked.

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