Chapter Nine

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Mikaela POV

When dinner finished, I volunteered to help clean. They told me I didn't have to, but I had no room to go to. I didn't want to keep pestering Beckett. So, I helped. Of course, Beckett had to stay with me. Thankfully it took a while, we finished around 9pm. But now I didn't know what else to do.

"Do you know where Asher is?" I ask Beckett who was standing near the kitchen door.

"No, but he isn't in the house." He tells me.

"You sure?" I ask him.

"You can go rest. I'll link you if he comes." He tells me.

"Thanks Beck." I say.

I go to his room for my suitcase and take it to the bedroom given to Asher and I. I enter slowly and a little shaky. I didn't want to go in there. The memories of the other night want to invade my mind but I push them away. The room smells of Asher, and other wolves. I hope the omegas who clean it don't talk about that. I go to the bathroom and lock myself in. It's quite large and has a window I could use to escape if necessary. I shall sleep here.

As I try to decide where I would sleep, I remember I didn't bring a pillow or blanket. Stupid Mikaela. I grab some towels as my blankets and sleep in the tub. I've seen people do it in the movies, maybe it would work.

It didn't. I was hella uncomfortable. I tossed and turned until I was too tired to keep moving and finally dozed off.

I woke up to giggling and whispering. Asher had brought another woman again.

"Beckett!" He didn't answer. He must've fallen asleep. What should I do? Should I leave? I didn't want to be here while my mate fucked another woman. A familiar pain started to creep in my body. I closed my eyes and hugged my knees. I could not escape silently with this pain.

"We can get through this" My wolf said.

"I don't think I can keep living like this" I cried.

"Just a little more, we can get through this together. We're strong enough. Just... think about something else." she pleaded.

"Like what?"

"Like a place that gives us peace. Home!" she suggested. But home was where my father was murdered.

"Not home!" She corrected herself. "Think of the lake!"

"The lake? The one I found Cole swimming in?"

"Yes! That lake. Remember how well we slept, how good the lemons smelled, and the mint."

I tried to remember his hand petting my head, behind my ears. That had felt nice. I tried to focus on the smell of lemons and mint. My pain was bearable now. But I could still feel the tears on my face.

I don't know how long it took for me to fall asleep like that. Crouched in the tub, my eyes closed tight, thinking about a warm hand petting my head.

I woke up with my neck in pain. That was so uncomfortable. I stretched out for a solid ten minutes before showering and getting dressed. Today I put on black jeans and a gray silk top, with a light jacket, something always covering my mark. My make up was pretty much the same, but I decided to go for a deeper cherry tone of lipstick, instead of look at me red.

I pressed my ear to the door. I could hear even breathing from Asher.

As quietly as I could I hid my suitcase in the bathroom and left the room. I couldn't keep myself from looking at Asher tangled naked in the sheets. I felt angry and disappointed.

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