Chapter Sixteen

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Mikaela POV

The battle was over. A local diner was the place that had the explosion. The fire was controlled, but the damage was unrepairable. We had eight casualties and eighteen pack members injured, from the battle and the fire. Although we had managed to kill thirty-two of the rogues, we only captured three, including Beckett's mate. The rest of the fifty Asher said they were, got away. That was defeat for us.

And there was the matter of Beckett's mate. She was a rogue who attacked us. I was unsure of how to deal with that. The she-wolf was given a gown and was waiting in the interrogation room. I could not send her to a cell, like the other prisoners, Beckett would not forget that.

I met with Tony, Marcus, Jules, Scarlett and Beckett in my office after coordinating the care of the injured, our deceased and the disposal of enemies' bodies. Marcus was Tony's second hand and Jules was the leader of the trackers.

- We got three rogues for questioning. But no way to trust their words. – Started Marcus.

- I can help with that. – Said Scarlett. – I still have some truth potion, and I can brew some more that will be ready in a few weeks.

- Thanks Scarlett. We owe you so much. – She doesn't need to help with that. She already did what she came here to do.

- Anything to help you, Luna. – She said gently. – And my fake mate.

She looked at Beckett. He was clearly struggling with his wolf.

- We tracked their scent to the northeast, just before the river at the edge of our territory. We lost them there.

- It makes sense, across the river is no-wolf's land. – Said Tony.

No-wolf's land was part of a peace treaty from decades ago. No pack would claim that land, and we made sure no humans took it either.

- So, they're hiding somewhere in that large piece of land. – Said Beckett.

- It'll be hard to find them. It could take months or years. – Said Jules. – That land is full of water bodies, lakes, rivers, streams.

He was right. That was the reason there were endless battles for that land. The resources. The water to hide and protect our packs.

- The packs involved in the treaty will surely come together to kick them out. - Said Marcus.

- If we tell them how we know, they'll learn of Asher and his treason. Of our perimeter's vulnerability. – I said. - I will not have them look at us as a weak pack. Or take advantage of our current fragility.

-The Luna is right. – Said Tony. – We must keep this within us. And start to reevaluate the watchtowers. We clearly have a blind spot.

- I'll get a team on it. - Said Marcus.

- We also need to train everyone. We only had eighty wolves fighting, that is a mistake, that's why we are being targeted. We have suffered two attacks in under four months. It's unacceptable. – I say. – We need to increase the hours of training and reduce the age to begin.

My father believed in having free childhoods. Young wolves should be playing worry free like every kid according to him. So, the age to begin training was sixteen, while other packs started at age eleven.

- I'll arrange that. Kids from age eleven will train, just like in other packs. – Tony said. – I'll also ask for help from Blood Moon pack to send us warriors to help train us. – His pride must be hurt to admit this. But he also has the pack's best interests at heart. Father was right, he was perfect to be Alpha.

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