Chapter Thirty Four

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Cole POV

Nothing, nothing at all can describe what kissing Kara feels like. It's like she's a source of energy. Like she fills my lungs with air and beams me up. My head feels light just from her touch.

Her lips are soft, tender. I enjoy the feeling she leaves on my lips. She pushes me back onto the chair and cradles me. Sitting on my lap. Feeling this close to me, the tenderness becomes almost gone, it's replaced with hunger. A hunger I've never experienced before. I grab her lower back and pull her towards me, losing myself in the warmth of her body. She pulls back for air and looks into my eyes, cupping my face in her hands. I've never felt so safe. The way she caresses me is just so intimate, so meaningful. I'm at a loss for words.

I lean up to kiss her again, and she kisses me back, still holding my face. Her hands soon start roaming my head, my shoulders and my back. I trace her body as well. She's so warm. I need to know how she feels underneath her clothes. I grab the end of her coat and reach to pull down her zipper. She responds to me by doing the same to me. We don't take our coats off, but when unzipped, we hug each other, yearning for proximity. I lean down to kiss her neck, and inhale deeply before I do. The fragrance of strawberries overflows me gently. It's not too sweet, not too heavy.

I let myself be lost in her, and I feel myself get overexcited. I guess she can feel it too as she sits on my lap, because she backs away and sits back on her chair. She looks down as she arranges her wavy hair. Her cheeks are flushed and I find it adorable.

- Now about my accommodations, I want to stay with you. – She looks up at me with a smile.

I laugh at her words. I'm glad she wants the same as I do.

- Of course, you will not have access to a bedroom on the main floor. All though, you will have a bedroom, next to mine. And hopefully, you won't spend much time there. – I tell her, smiling back..

- We also need to talk to my father and brother, as well as your family. – She says.

- And to Liam, we need to deal with your transfer to this pack. – I add.

- And about Mikaela, will she be a member of this pack? – Kara asks me, as she plays with her fingers.

- I don't know. Because of my Father's treaty with her, she can. She lost the duel when he was still Alpha. She and her pack have a week to determine if they want to join this pack or not. I'm pretty sure she has other treaties with other packs, but only mine knows she's not dead. – I tell her.

- She's in a difficult situation. She needs to stay here to be safe. I hope I won't be awkward. She was your mate after all. – Kara tells me.

- I'm sure it won't be. Like I explained earlier, we already talked this morning. – I assure Kara.

My cell phone starts to ring and its Alpha Ulrich, confirming Sam is on his way, by motorcycle. He should be here in an hour. I lost track of time while being here with Kara. My pack must be curious.

- We've been here over an hour. – Kara begins.

- I'll link my family to come so I can announce our bond. But I need to cool down first. – I say.

She looks down at my lap and laughs before apologizing.

- My family knows I was rejected at Liam's pack. Thomas knows it was you. – I tell her.

- I guess I need to earn their trust. – She tells me.

- You will. I know it. - I tell her.

As soon as I am able to walk comfortably, I link my family to come. Kara and I wait standing in front of my desk. Holding hands. She rubs mine as we wait. I can't wait to be fully bonded to her so we can link each other. I want to hear her thoughts.

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