Chapter Thirteen

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Mikaela POV

It was a relatively short drive home, back from Blue Moon. Under two hours. I was nervous. My hands were sweaty and I kept playing with my fingers the whole ride home.

"We'll be fine" My wolf tells me. I tried to believe her. But I still had doubts in my heart. Scarlett said the final step would be for us to reject each other. What if she couldn't get Asher to accept the rejection? What if he held on to our bond? What would I do then?

When we pulled up to my pack house, my heart was beating so fast, I thought I was going to faint.

I stood for a moment looking at the four-story white mansion I called home.

- That was a success! -Asher says, reaching to grab my butt. I move away and he laughs.

- Don't be like that – He tells me. – Come mate, let's go inside and unpack.

I had a separate bedroom from his. Everyone in the pack knew the situation between us. They all hated him, but sucked it up because he was my mate and they knew nothing could be done about it. But now, that was different.

A few omegas came to help with the luggage.

- Marina, Jacob, Ellen. This Is Scarlett – I tell them. -Scarlett, these are Marina – I say pointing to a small brunette in my pack. She was just 5 feet 3 inches, short for a wolf. Marina smiled at her.

– Jacob – I motion to a tall dark wolf. He had short brown hair and slanted eyes.

– and Ellen. – I say, looking at a pretty young blonde girl. I loved her short silky straight hair.

- Nice to meet you all. I came here to help your Luna with her mate. – She tells them. She somehow knows they have my back.

They all widen their eyes and look at me.

- That's wonderful! – Exclaims Marina holding her hands to her chest.

- Can you really help us? – Jacob whispered.

- I will do my best. Asher thinks I am here because I am Beckett's mate. Don't blow our cover. – Scarlett Says, she hands a small bottle to Jacob. – Put two drops of this in his daily beverages to make him sleep all day. We cannot have him weakening the Luna with his actions.

Jacob nods as he takes the bottle, putting it in his pants' pocket and he flashes a bright white smile at Scarlett.

- We're so glad this is finally going to be over – Ellen squeaks.

They grab the luggage and we go inside.

Ellen shows Scarlett to an empty bedroom on the top floor, where The Alpha family stays. It has many empty bedrooms, because only Asher and I live on that floor. My father shared the same floor just a little over three months ago. My heart ached remembering him.

While I unpack, she comes to my room.

- We will need to prepare for a few days first. – She tells me. -You are weak from Asher's continuous cheating.

- If he truly sleeps all day, I will be able to recover. – I say.

- He will, I promise it'll work. – She smiles. – At least the part that erases the mark. You know you will still need to reject each other.

I did know that. It was what had me uneasy.

- I'm happy to know your pack stands by you. I can feel their concern for you, and their resistance to Asher's authority. – Scarlett lets me know.

- He has no authority – I tell her. It was true.

- Because your pack does not accept him as their Alpha. – She says.

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