Chapter Twenty Four

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Mikaela POV

- Stop. – Asher interrupts his father. Lionel is clearly upset by that but tries to brush it off.

- There is no need to spill more blood. – Asher continues. – I may not be Alpha anymore, but crescent moon is our pack, Mikaela.

Asher turns to me.

- I don't know what you're thinking. You cut me off from the link, and that's okay. But, we are surrounded. The bunkers are surrounded. Blue Moon and Blood Moon were misguided far from here, and are being stalled. They will not get here in time. We all know they won't. You have to choose the lives of the pack over your power as Alpha.

I was not expecting a word from Asher. Did he have communication with the pack? Was he giving me a message from Tony? It made sense for him not to talk to me through the link, but why would he help deliver a message?

- You're right. You don't know what I'm thinking. – I say to Asher, not looking at him as I take a step towards Lionel and look into his gray eyes.

- If you want this pack. You'll have to earn this pack. – I say, I had a plan... it might not work, but it also might.

Lionel smiles and starts taking his shirt off, preparing to shift.

- I accept your challenge Lionel... but not your wolf's. – And another soft wind blows.

Confusion strikes Lionel's face. I guess my plan worked. While reading everything I could about wolves nature to destroy my bond to Asher, I found that sometimes, Alpha's could demand a wolf to be cast away from certain situations... such as consummating the soulmate's bond through human sex, and challenges for dominance of another pack. It was a longshot, but at least the fight would be human to human. Even if Lionel was bigger and from appearances stronger than me.

- Have it your way. – Lionel says and he strikes forward to make the first punch.

Lionel aims for my stomach; I manage to foresee it and effortlessly turn away. I know he is stronger, and bigger... but Anthony taught me that my size and speed could win against a stronger wolf. So, I had to bet on that, even if I did not train enough human-to-human battles.

I take a step back before I leap with a punch to Lionel's face. I hurt him, but I hurt myself also. He growls at me and covers his face before I can punch him again. His arms taking my fists. He kicks up, his knee meeting my stomach, forcing my air away. Before I can react, he takes me by my shoulders, and kicks again, and again before I manage to grab his knee and push it to the side, breaking his balance and making him fall.

While he is on the ground, I kick him in the stomach. Trying to recover my breath, but it is hard. He manages to grab my leg and pull it, making me fall too. I roll over, getting away from him, before I get up. He is on his feet too, and we study each other, circling around, trying to find an opening to attack. I take my silver coated knives out from my belt and glare at him. He smiles at me and takes a punch first and I dodge him easily, before he takes another punch and I dodge that one as well. I take a couple of swings at him, but he catches both my hands, so I bump his head with mine, to get him to let go of me.

I step back and kick him twice in the stomach, before I quickly step around to get behind him and kick his knees, making him kneel and then directing my knives to his neck. But, he reaches up and grabs my arms, pulling me down in front of him. I curve my head to not fall on top of it and I see his face right over mine. He looks furious and I spit at him before rolling away once again. As I do, I pull my knees forward to crouch, helping me get up. I'm breathing heavily by now, and so is Lionel.

We are once again facing each other, pondering our next moves, until I decide to go for his face with my knives. He dodges my swings, and I feel a blow to my side. I fall to the ground and look up. Lionel's foot comes straight to my face, and I can't avoid it. His blow makes me roll onto my back. I see him again, on my left, this time stomping on my stomach, making me lose strength. I try to swing my left knife at him but he steps on my arm, making me drop it.

Then he gets down, puts his hand on my neck and punches me with the other hand. I start losing consciousness and I fear I'm going to pass out.

And just before I do, the punches stop, and the pressure on my neck releases.

- Get up. – I hear his smug voice say. – if you can.

I try as hard as possible to, but I can't even pull my head up. I roll over, trying to help myself with my hands, but I think he broke my left one when he stepped on it, because I have no strength at all.

- Mikaela, you lose. – He says again, and another breeze rushes over us.

The moon goddess has declared Lionel King the victor.

I try my best to breathe normally. But my lungs were severely emptied by all the blows I received. As I lie on the ground, I hear the sound of shifting wolves. Everyone must be turning back to humans.

- I am your Alpha now. – I hear Lionel say.

I turn my head towards the sound of his voice and see his bare feet a few meters away from me. And beyond him, my pack. They're handing each other shirts and shorts, to cover themselves.

- And as Alpha of Crescent Moon Pack, I declare that the packless wolves that fought bravely today, shall have the choice to join this pack, and leave the life of a rogue behind them. – He says.

I hear cheers, they must be from the rogues.

- As for the existing members of this pack. I understand if you do not wish to stay under my leadership. And you shall leave if you wish it. But know that you will become rogues, and I shall have no living rogues in my territory. – Lionel says.

He is basically telling my pack that if we leave, he will hunt us, that is supposing he will let me live.

- To prove my good will, one of you will be my Beta. Asher. You are no omega; you were born to lead. So, my Beta you shall be until then. – Lionel says.

I hear murmurs around but can't figure out what they say.

- I believe son, it is your right to take the final blow on Mikaela. – Lionel announces.

I turn and see Asher, he is looking at me, but he does not move.

- That was not a choice, my son. – Lionel says, I can tell he is using his Alpha authority.

Asher starts making his way towards me and stops beside me. He gets down on one knee and I hear metal, brushing the floor. Asher must have picked my knife up. He touches the blade feeling it. Probably enjoying the moment. Then he looks at me. I see his gray eyes, one last time. He shows no pain, no sadness. No emotion at all. Then I feel his warm hand on my cold abdomen before a hot pain crosses me, beside his hand. And everything goes black.

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